All dogs are adorable, there is no doubting that. But there are some dogs who are handsome and confident enough to walk the ramp and win a prize for it. If you think your little buddy has what it takes to be a show dog, then today we will take you through registering your pooch for various dog shows.
As a good dog parent who is doing a great parenting job, you would have already registered your dog with some organization (if not, then what are you waiting for?). There are a lot of organizations out there that you can register your pooch with, the most well-known being the American Kennel Club (AKC).
It is essential to register your dog with one of these esteemed organizations because it doesn’t just allow your dog to participate in dog shows and competitions but they also give you access to educational and informational services and these registrations also hold proof that you are your dog’s dog parent (owner).
Now let’s take a look at the procedure of getting your dog registered.
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Where should you register your dog?

The very first question that will come to your mind is where should you register your dog?
Well, to answer that, there are a lot of options out there, and one of the criteria for selection of the organization that you want to register your dog with is whether or not your pooch is purebred. If your little buddy is purebred then you can register him with American Kennel Club (AKC).
But if your puppy is not purebred then there is nothing to worry about. You can register your dog with registries such as the Dog Registry of America and the National Hybrid Registry as they accept non-purebred dogs as well. You can also go through a comprehensive list of organizations here that register purebred as well as non-purebred dogs to make the final call for where to register your dog.
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2. Select the Right Registry
Because of so many options out there for the registration of your dog, the scam that surrounds it is also big. While picking the registry that you want to register your dog with, make sure that you do thorough research about the same.
Keep your eyes open at all times for any suspicious activity by the registry that you select. Authentic registries take more than just your pooch’s photograph as proof of pedigree, so if your registry is only asking for your dog’s photograph as proof then that could be a possible red flag.
There also are online registries out there that will charge an unreasonable amount of money for the registration while some might just disappear after receiving the registration payment. It is important that you are vigilant about these scams.
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3. Fill out the application

Once you have selected the registry you want to move ahead with, the next step is to fill out the application form. The layout of the application might vary from one registry to the other, but the information required is more or less the same.
You are supposed to fill in your details such as name, contact number, and address, further you are supposed to fill out details of your dog such as your dog’s name, sex, date of birth, and breed.
Other required details might be the name of your breeder, a three-generation pedigree certificate, and a photo of your dog. If you do not have a certificate of the three-generation pedigree of your dog, the request to attain one can cost a little more.
In order to register to an authentic registry, you will need a registration application from the breeder from whom you purchased your dog. When you ask for a registration application from your breeder he might ask to see your dog first before giving you the application and in some cases might also ask for some sort of payment to give out the registration application, you need to do the needful and obtain the application.
Keep in mind that possibly all the payments that you make in the process of filling out the application will be nonrefundable.
Most registries will provide the option of filling and submitting the application online while others would provide the option of downloading the form, taking a printout, and filling it out by hand.
Once you have submitted the application successfully, you will now have to wait to receive the registration certificate.
The time between submitting your application and receiving the registration certificate varies from one registry to another. So hold tight.
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4. Verify the accuracy of the Registration Certificate
Once you have received the registration certificate of your dog the next step is to verify (check) that all the details on the certificate are correct and in case of any errors or omissions contact the registry.
5. Register for Dog Show

Now that you have successfully registered your dog, you will be getting updates regarding various dog shows and competitions taking place.
Pick the competition you want your dog to participate in and fill the registration form for the competition by providing basic details and paying the registration fee. And voila, your dog is now a participant in a dog show.