If you are a dog lover, you care a ton about your pet’s health and want to keep your furry friend as healthy as you can. One unpredictable force that can harm your pet is nature. In this blog, we inform you about Dog Training Tips That Can Protect Your Furry Friend from Wild Animals.
There are all kinds of wild animals out there that can cause your dog harm, so it is important to try to prevent any encounters from happening.
To do this, will require some training and some steps taken you.
1. Vaccines
Obviously, this is not a training tip, but it is the single most important thing you can do. Be sure that your dog is receiving vaccines for the type of wild animals common in your area.
Generally, all dogs receive rabies shots, but Lyme disease is an elective vaccine that you might consider if you live around wooded areas full of ticks.
2. Obedience Training
It might seem obvious, but you need to have total control over your dog, even if it decides it wants to play in nature.
If you happen upon a raccoon or a skunk, you need to be able to command your dog back to you so that it does not get in a fight with them.
It is also important so that you can keep them away from dead animals that could still be carrying diseases.

3. Keep Them Away from Areas
This is not a training tip, but a common-sense approach for owners to follow. If you are in a walk-in nature, keep your dog away from any brush piles, highly vegetated habitats, and any type of hollow tree.
These are often home to a wide variety of wild animals that could potentially harm your dog. Brush piles can be extremely hazardous, as porcupines love to live in these areas. Porcupines will make your dog miserable with their hundreds of sharp quills.
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4. Make Them Learn Their Boundaries
Your pup needs to understand that he or she may not leave your yard until you say so. They need to know precisely where they can go before they have left their property.
Some of the best ways to do this are with a very mild shock collar that doesn’t hurt them, but only scares them into staying within the boundaries of your yard.
There is no need to use a serious shock, as dogs generally hate even the mildest setting, making it an excellent training device.
5. Discourage Scavenging
A dog will always be a dog, and this includes when they bring up dead stuff to your home. Dogs need to be trained and taught that this is discouraging behaviour.
Allowing your pup access to dead animals, especially rodents, can cause a wide variety of problems with diseases.
Scold and punish your furry friend if they keep bringing up dead animals, so that they likely will reduce doing it or not do it at all.
6. Bring Your Dog In
When it gets close to nighttime, you may consider bringing your dog inside. If that is not possible, skip this step, but if it is, be sure to do it.
Since most wild animals are nocturnal, there is a much higher chance that your dog will have an encounter with one at night.
By simply bringing your dog inside at night, you are limiting the likelihood of a dangerous run-in with animals.
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