Top 100 Popular Names for Male Dogs

Top 100 Popular Names for Male Dogs

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So you’ve brought home happiness and now you’re here looking for inspiration to name your happiness. Well, congrats! You and your new friend are going to create thousands of beautiful memories! Choosing a name is an interesting process just like choosing the perfect dog for you.

All of us, at some point in our lives, have owned a pet. It doesn’t matter even if you had a goldfish that lasted only 10 days, you made sure to give it a great name.

Unique Male Dog Names

If you notice, just like us, the names of dogs too, are heavily influenced by cultural settings and sometimes depend on languages as well. It also largely depends on the owner’s likes and favourites. I’m sure you must have come across someone who named their pet after their favourite celebrity, brand, place, or even food! It is also common for people to name their dogs based on their personality traits or physical appearances – like Blacky or Bark.

But most commonly dogs are given human names; when you go through the below-mentioned list of top names, you will note how it is dominated by human names.

woman sitting on bench beside a beagle

Points to note while naming your dog

You must be wondering why you need to follow anything at all to name your dog. True it is your dog and you have the liberty to pick a name you like, but there are a few things you might not know that come under the art of naming a dog.

  • It is highly recommended to choose names that end with a vowel sound (ah, ee, o.. you get it!). This is because dogs are capable of recognizing changes in frequency much more than we and the vowel sound easily gain their attention.
  • Stick to a short and sweet name, ideally with two syllables. This helps dogs to easily identify and respond to the name. Longer names might sound fancy but your dog might not associate with them. So don’t use a complicated name like Constantinople and rather choose something like Bruno or Max.
  • Do not choose names that sound similar to command words. For instance, your dog might get confused with ‘No’ and ‘Joe’.
  • In case you have another pet, make sure the names sound significantly different, or else you might have the wrong one running up to you. It is common for siblings to share similar-sounding names, but it is not going to turn out well if you do it with your pets!
  • Choose a name that you and all the household members agree on. You will be using your dog’s name a lot, and it won’t be any fun if you settle for a random name half-heartedly.
  • In case you buy a dog that is a year or two old already and has been given a name, then stick to it. This is because dogs get used to their names in the early stages of life and may not respond to a changed name.

Once you settle on a name,

you can try it out for a couple of weeks and observe if your dog responds well to it. In case he does not, you can change the name immediately to avoid communication issues later on.

Also, make sure you choose a name that is sensitive to all cultures and beliefs. Don’t choose names that might be fun for you and offensive to others. Though you might not be charged for this, it is only ethical to stick to a positive name.

Image from Hellowebz

Top 100 male dog names

Pick a dog’s name, there are endless possibilities to choose from, but there are those names that are commonly used by thousands of people. Here is a list of the 100 most popular names, which was compiled based on common dog names around the globe. It might largely vary according to each country or region.

●       Ace ●       Apollo ●       Archie 
●       Ash ●       Baxter ●       Bandit 
●       Bailey ●       Bear ●       Beau 
●       Benedict ●       Bruno ●       Chewy 
●       Benji ●       Brutus ●       Chico 
●       Benny ●       Buddy ●       Clive 
●       Bentley ●       Buster ●       Coco 
●       Blue / Blu ●       Cash ●       Cody 
●       Boomer ●       Chance ●       Cookie 
●       Bruce ●       Charlie ●       Cooper 
●       Copper ●       George ●       Hunter 
●       Dexter ●       Gizmo ●       Jack 
●       Diesel ●       Gunnar ●       Jake 
●       Duke ●       Gus ●       Jasper 
●       Duster ●       Hank ●       Jax 
●       Finn ●       Harley ●       Joey 
●       Frankie ●       Henry ●       Jonah 
●       Keanu ●       Mac ●       Odin 
●       King ●       Maverick ●       Oliver 
●       Kobe ●       Max ●       Ollie 
●       Leo ●       Mickey ●       Oreo 
●       Loki ●       Milo ●       Oscar 
●       Louie ●       Moose ●       Peanut 
●       Lucky ●       Murphy ●       Prince 
●       Luke ●       Oakley ●       Rex 
●       Riley ●       Sammy ●       Tiger 
●       Rocco ●       Scout ●       Toby 
●       Rocky ●       Shadow ●       Tucker 
●       Romeo ●       Sharp ●       Tyson 
●       Roscoe ●       Simba ●       Victor 
●       Rudy ●       Teddy ●       Walker 
●       Rusty ●       Thor ●       Walter 
●       Sam ●       Ziggy ●       Whiskey 

Some of us are bent on standing out and we try to name our dogs in a very unique and unusual fashion. Here’s a bonus list for you, consisting of some really unique names.

Also See: Top 10 Websites Every Dog Owner Must Know

Unique and Unusual Dog Names

  • Albus
  • Flapjack
  • Mowgli
  • America
  • Galileo
  • Potato
  • Butter
  • Kipper
  • Sherlock
  • Copernicus
  • Laker
  • Tobacco
  • Fettuccini
  • Moo Shu
  • Western

Well, have you decided on a name?

Did you find it on the list? Let us know in the comments below and if you have a unique name for your pet, do share!

Also See: 10 Reasons Why Dog Socialization Is Important

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