This is What You Must be Lacking in Your Dog’s Health

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Although it’s advisable to consult your vet always about your dog’s health, there are some safe home remedies that you can try.

If your dog is constantly barking, digging the yard, chewing furniture, scratching, has become inactive or has an upset stomach, you too are disturbed. But then what are the ways to keep your dog healthy and happy?

Here are a few along with those which you should discuss with your vet.

Here are a few along with those which you should discuss with your vet.

1. Proper Nutrition

Healthy fruits for dogs

Your pet is at great risk of gaining weight when everyone in the family gives him a treat for doing something adorable and it leads to obesity-related diseases.

Your dog has no idea what to eat to maintain a healthy weight. It’s your duty to consult your vet and give your pooch proper nutrition so that he can get all the essential nutrients and maintain a healthy weight.

Typically pets can fulfill their nutritional requirements with a balanced diet. But you should consult your vet to check if she needs any supplements. Also, make sure you give her ample water to keep her properly hydrated. It’s needless to say that food and water bowls should be regularly cleaned to avoid any infections.

2. Keep Your Dog Active

Active Dog, playing with a toy

Being active is one of the major healthy dog signs.

Dogs that are inactive can become obese and sick. Provide your dog with ample exercises, like walking, hiking, swimming and fetching things. Also, providing him with toys, creating obstacle courses, etc. are good ideas to motivate them to become active.

Another good idea is to change your routes for dog walks so that her interest is maintained to see new vistas and experience new scents.

3. Throw Away Fleas

dog getting a shower at home

Fleas are a common nuisance for pets and cause them to scratch continuously and get irritated. You should regularly give a bath to your pet with flea shampoos and eliminate those pesky creatures that can cause signs of an unhealthy dog.

Regarding how often you should give such a bath, consult your vet, because too much bathing can make your dog loses his coat’s shine and health.

4. Prevention of Ear Infections

Excessive water in your dog’s ears can cause pain in her ears. Therefore before giving her a bath, don’t forget to place a cotton ball dipped in baby oil in each of her ears to prevent water from entering her ears. Just don’t fail to remove the cotton balls later.

5. Regular Checkup and Preventative Medications

Dog’s Regular Checkup

An annual checkup is a good idea because you can know upfront if your dog is having any health issue and then you can get him treated on time.

This also includes yearly dental checkups. Spotting any dental problems early on can save your dog from the issue getting severe and incurable in the long run. Plus it helps to remove plaque and tartar. Brushing her teeth regularly and giving her dental chews are also preventative measures against periodontal disease, which can in turn cause more serious health issues.

Similarly, preventative medications can help you keep your beloved pooch free from certain dangerous health issues, like heartworm, and some tick-borne and flea-borne diseases.

6. Addressing Mental Issues with Love and Training

When you bring a dog home, it’s your duty to see that he gets proper attention and affection from you. Especially some dog species are very sensitive to neglect and may suffer from problems like separation anxiety disorder or depression. In that case, they start behaving weird, barking continuously, chewing furniture, tearing household items, etc.
Addressing Mental Issues

It’s obvious that you should give your dog a lot of love and attention. Plus some other things may also help, such as indoor potty training which frees them from the worry of holding their pee, thereby relieving their anxiety.

Other types of training also helps break their anxiety by instilling discipline to overcome their woes. The training should be focused on keeping calm, particularly when you leave home for work etc.

7. Socialization

The American Animal Hospital Association states that early socialization in dogs and correct exposure to different people and scenarios at a young age reduces the chances of scarily aggressive and antisocial behaviors as an adult.

Pet socialising with other dogs and humans

Whether it’s a puppy or a kitten, their formative years i.e. from a few weeks to around 16 to 18 weeks is the most important period for socialization. Therefore, make sure you introduce your dog to many people and animals not only during the early months but all through their life.

Visiting friends and family, and dog parks, and also letting them spend some time in daycare are some good ideas. Just get your dog cleared from your vet.

You have to get habituated to taking these measures regularly because your dog is your responsibility and making her a happy dog is your duty. Happy dog parenting!

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