Dangerous Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat

Dangerous Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat

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Dogs are our adorable little pals with beautiful souls. For them, the sole purpose of their existence is to be with us and shower their unconditional love on us. A person who has a pet dog is blessed with a natural antidepressant; cuddling and licking their stress away! In this blog, we inform you that the dangerous foods your dog should never eat.

None of us can resist their beguiling smile and big adorable dog eyes! Have you ever wondered, can a little treat as a reward from our food plate or snack harms them? Well, it depends on the food you are giving and its ingredients.

We do love our pooches but most pet owners forget that even a little amount of a treat which we eat can be fatal for our furry pals!

We know how much you love your dogs and we are here to help you eliminate the dangerous foods for dogs that may harm your furry best friend.

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Mandatory dog food Tips to escalate the life span of your dog:

  • The best thing you can do to improve the life of your dog is to stick with their pet food and their treats. Avoid giving anything which we eat to these innocent souls. They crave food all the time and do not fall for their big pleading eyes when they are eating something. You; as a dog parent should take care of what to give them to avoid anything that falls under the category of dangerous foods for dogs. 
  • Give them the best dog food after consulting your Vet. There are different puppy foods available for varied dog breeds and ages. 
  • Visit the best Veterinarian every month for a health checkup and grooming.

Now, let us dig into the things your puppy shouldn’t eat:

1. Chocolate

Chocolate - Dangerous Foods

Chocolate is highly irresistible for most of us, but it is one of the harmful foods your puppy shouldn’t eat. Dogs cannot digest chocolates.

Theobromine, which is found in all chocolates, is dangerous for dogs.

Theobromine is found in all chocolates, but the content is more in dark chocolates and baked chocolates.

When given to humans, theobromine does not have any effect, but in the case of dogs, it might result in vomiting and diarrhoea.

In severe cases, dogs might suffer death. So, your dog should stay away from chocolates.

2. Salty food

Salty food - Dangerous Foods

Second, on the list, we have salty foods. Overeating salts lead to a condition known as sodium ion poisoning, which causes high blood pressure and excessive urination.

Symptoms of sodium ion poisoning are vomiting, diarrhoea, seizures, and high body temperatures.

3. Onions and Garlic

Onions and Garlic

Prevent your dog from having too much onion or garlic as they might suffer from anaemia, a condition in which red blood cells get destroyed.

Although a small amount will not be any danger but avoid giving a large amount to your dog. Garlic is five times more harmful than an onion.

4. Candies and gums

Candies and gums - Dangerous Foods

In most sweets and gums, xylitol is a vital component. Xylitol, which helps in curing cavities in humans, tends to work like insulin for dogs.

Consumption of xylitol lowers blood sugar in dogs and can lead to liver failure. Symptoms may include lethargy, seizures, loss of coordination, vomiting, and, eventually, death.

5. Grapes and raisins

Grapes and Raisins - Dangerous Foods

If your dog has consumed grapes or raisins, it is a point to worry about. These fruits can cause renal failure in dogs.

After consuming grapes or raisins, the chances are that your dog might feature shutdown in the kidney, which can eventually lead to death.

6. Sugary food

Sugar Food

Excessive sugar is neither good for humans nor dogs. Overeating sugar is one of the significant causes of weight gain in humans.

Dogs suffer from the same problems as humans do, by eating sugar. On consuming sugar, your dog might suffer from health problems such as obesity, dental health issues, and diabetes. Prevent your dog from eating sugar as much as possible.

7. Almonds

Almonds - Dangerous Foods

Many cases have been registered of almonds getting stuck in the oesophagus of the dog if not chewed properly.

Salted nuts and almonds are even more dangerous foods as they might increase water retention in a dog, which can lead to various heart diseases.

As we have discussed what your beloved dogs shouldn’t eat, now let us discuss various food items that are healthy for your dog. Though; giving these food items to your dog is considered safe but don’t overdo it.

8. Cashews

Cashews- Dangerous Foods

You can feed your dog with cashews, but not too much. Cashews are rich in calcium, magnesium, antioxidants, and proteins, which can fulfil the nutrition requirement of your dog. Cashews do not have fat, so no tension in gaining weight.

9. Cooked Eggs (NOT RAW)

Cooked Eggs

Yes, you can feed your dog with an egg after it is completely cooked. Eggs are rich in protein, which is essential for growth and development.

Uncooked egg white can cause biotin deficiency, so make sure to completely cook the egg before serving it to your dog.

10. Honey

Honey - Dangerous Foods

Feeding your dog with honey is a good choice. Honey is beneficial because it has several nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, and various antioxidants, which help maintain the immune system of your train. Honey can cure various allergies by introducing small amounts of pollen into the system.

PRO TIP: When your puppy is ill and needs to take his medicines (big tablets); break them into small pieces and mix them with honey. Your puppy will easily eat the tablets with honey.

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