The Importance of Pet Proofing Your New Home Before Moving In

The Importance of Pet Proofing Your New Home Before Moving In

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As a pet owner, you want to do everything you can to keep your pet safe and happy in your new home. And pet-proofing your new home is one of the most important steps towards achieving that. Pet proofing is a way of creating a safe environment in your home for your pets without having to spend much money or time. The final result will leave you with a safe home and a happy pet. 

Pet Proofing Your New Home Before Moving in 

You may be tempted to leave pet proofing until after you have moved in. But pet proofing a home is simple, and doing it beforehand will make your life easier. You can relax, knowing your pet is safe in your new home.

When you have everything ready, you can focus solely on the final details of moving in. And your pet will find it much easier to get used to the new surroundings. So, you will save a lot of energy and time when you pet-proof before you move in. 

To make moving more bearable for your pets, you can leave them with someone you trust until the move is completed. You can find safe surroundings for them in a pet hotel or leave them with a friend or family member.

Now, you can focus on the move and transport of your pet once your new home is pet-proofed and ready. They may be a bit confused once they arrive, but as time goes by, they will feel more and more comfortable in their new home. 

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Your home won’t be damaged when you pet-proof your home 

Alt-text: pet proofing your new home will prevent it from damage

Your Pets Will Stay Safe When You Pet Proof Your Home 

The most apparent advantage of pet proofing your home is the safety of your pets. Whether you have a cat, a dog, or some other kind of pet, pet proofing is an important step that shouldn’t be skipped.

When you pet proof your home, you don’t have to leave your home feeling worried about whether your pet will be safe while you are away. They will live a long and happy life by reducing their exposure to harsh chemicals and dangerous plants. 

You Will Prevent Damage by Pet Proofing Your Home 

The first few days in your new home will be hectic enough. Unpacking the last few boxes and settling in will take much of your energy. On top of that, you don’t want to deal with your things being damaged.

When you unpack, there will be a time frame in which your house won’t be organized. During this time, it’s easy for a dog or cat to knock something over and break it. This also puts them in danger. 

Before you move in, plan the move-in day carefully. It’s best to have a separate area of your new home where the pets will be until you finish organizing everything.

Now, you can focus solely on putting things away without risking your things being broken by your pets. Once you are done pet proofing your new home, you can give them access to the rest of the house. 


Keep your dog entertained in order to help them stay safe in your home 

Alt-text: a dog playing inside

How to Pet Proof Your Home the Right Way 

Naturally, the way you pet proof your home will depend on the kind of pet you have. For example, if you have birds, you must ensure they can’t fly away through the window by installing nets. If you own a small pet, such as a hamster, ensure there aren’t any dangerous spots they may hide when out of their cage.

A gate for the kitchen will come in handy if you have a dog. But no matter what kind of pet you have, you want to keep dangerous things out of their reach. Harsh chemicals and cleaning supplies should be in a cupboard your pet can’t reach or open.

If you keep your cleaning supplies in a cupboard under the sink, you may want to consider putting a lock on it. This can be helpful if you have children, too. 

Make sure you have the right trash can that your pet can’t get into. If you skip this step, they may eat something dangerous. If you catch your dog or cat chewing cords, keep them out of reach. Put sharp objects away so they don’t injure themselves.

Next up, check with the vet whether the plants you currently have in your home are pet-friendly. Some species of plants can be toxic to pets and harm them. They can especially cause danger if your pet starts to eat them.

Before you purchase any plants in the future, check to see whether they are pet-safe. To keep your pet out of trouble, get your dog to exercise and invest in fun toys to keep them entertained. 

Moving with Pets and Choosing the Right Pet-Friendly Neighborhood 

Moving long distance can be stressful enough, but doing it with pets or small children can make it even more difficult. Your pets can be stressed out by this situation as well. That’s why moving quickly and on a schedule is very important.

You can simplify the moving process and work with professional movers. When searching for the right neighborhood, try to find one pet-friendly. As a dog owner, you will want to find a home where you can take them for a long daily walk. 

Moving with pets and choosing the right pet-friendly neighborhood  - Pet Proofing

You can move into your new home stress-free by pet proofing your new home before moving in 

Alt-text: a couple moving into their new home

Another thing to consider is the proximity to dog parks. Although daily walks can be fun, it can be a good idea to change things up a little and give your dog the chance to exercise and socialize with other dogs. But what makes a neighborhood pet-friendly is the neighbors.

Finding a community with a lot of pet owners isn’t difficult these days. So, when searching for the perfect home, take a look around the neighborhood and see just how many pet owners there are. It will make your life easier as well as give you a higher chance to make friends with your neighbors. 

Final thoughts 

Your pet will surely live a long and happy life in a safe environment like this one. By pet-proofing your new home, choosing a pet-friendly neighborhood, and minimizing the stress of moving for your pet, they will adapt to the new surroundings very soon.

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