Canines are known as “man’s closest companion” and are regularly considered as our charming and cuddly colleagues. Notwithstanding, these astonishing creatures have demonstrated on numerous occasions that they can fill a bigger need. Numerous canines venture up into network administration as everything from police search canines to mind-blowing military help canines. They even make a propensity out of saving individuals from cataclysmic events.
Kuno, a lovely Belgian Malinois, is one of these uncommon creatures. He was as of late perceived for his courageous activities while serving in the U.K. military as a Military Working Dog.
The People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) as of late granted Kuno the Dickin Medal for his military assistance. The Dicken Medal is the most noteworthy honor any creature can get inside the British military. As per the PDSA, this honor is “perceived worldwide as the creatures’ Victoria Cross” and is given for demonstrations of boldness and dedication to the obligation
In 2019, Kuno and his controller served in Afghanistan to help “recognize explosives, find shrouded weapons and weaken the adversary,” the PDSA said. He served for a very long time and participated in 16 activities during that time.
Notwithstanding, in May 2019, one mission negatively affected Kuno.

Subsequent to getting off a helicopter, Kuno drove a military group through a compound, finding concealed weapons and explosives en route. However, subsequent to clearing one zone, the group got nailed somewhere near a foe assailant. Kuno’s overseer delivered the profoundly prepared canine to bring down the extremist. As Kuno hustled towards the foe, he was struck in his rear legs by a hail of slugs in a counterattack. In spite of being harmed, Kuno figured out how to debilitate the aggressor, which permitted his group to progress securely.
However, Kuno’s fortitude accompanied the cost. His wounds were serious to the point that he needed to have one of his back paws severed. A progression of medical procedures saved his life. Kuno got a prosthetic paw and suffered a very long time of treatment to figure out how to walk once more. He is the principal British Military Working Dog to be fitted with a prosthetic leg.
Kuno stays dynamic after his fruitful restoration, even with orthotic support on his correct leg notwithstanding his prosthetic foot to his left side leg. He is formally resigned from the military and has another home. Kuno is the 72nd recipient of the Dickin Medal since it was made in December 1943, at the stature of World War II. Until this point, its beneficiaries incorporate 35 canines, 32 WW2 courier pigeons, four horses, and one feline.
Also See: Shot For 70 Times And Hit By Car! Mighty Dog Gets Her New Furever Home