Owning a dog might require a lot of time investment and care to ensure that the most lively member of your family maintains good health. In this blog, we inform you about how Obesity in dogs.
Did you ever see your dog not responding like before or being lazy? You should keep a check as your dog might be suffering from obesity.
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Causes of obesity in dogs
Obesity in pets, especially dogs, is quite common. It occurs when excessive adipose tissues accumulate in the body and is generally defined as occurring when an animal’s body weight is at least 20% greater than its optimal body weight.
Obesity is associated with metabolic and hormonal changes. Obesity can affect all types of pets, and the main cause is from eating too much or not exercising enough, physical inactivity, genetics, medications, psychological factors, and many more although some diseases can cause obesity.
It is caused mainly at the age of 5-11. Pet obesity can be avoided through regular exercise and ensuring that your pet is eating healthy food.
Risks due to obesity
Obesity in dogs can shorten their lives by 6 months or even more in certain species. Though excess fat in dogs was considered to be a negligible factor earlier, scientific studies reveal that it can not only shorten your dog’s life but also make him susceptible to various diseases.
Obese dogs often suffer from diseases like diabetes mellitus, various strains of cancer, and liver diseases. Medical research claims that the excess fat in dogs often secrete an inflammatory hormone in their bodies which in turn causes the diseases owing to the oxidation of cells in their bodies.
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How do you understand that your dog is obese?
Recognizing obesity in dogs might be difficult as we often see heavy and bulky dogs around us. Further, your dog might not show visible signs at first. However, your vet can play a key role in determining the same. Additionally, the rib coverage area of your dog also determines whether he is suffering from obesity.
You can also check for obesity in your dog by simply monitoring its activities every day. Is he panting after a small exercise? Is he unwilling to go out for a throwball or inactive the entire day? These might indicate severe obesity in your dog and you should act immediately!

How can your pet lose weight?
Here are some great effective veterinarian-approved tips for you to help your dog safely shed excess weight and keep it in a good condition-
- The food factor – You have to be very careful about what you feed your dog. Remember to not feed your dog whatever you eat and take extra care towards his diet. Having said that, a rich protein diet over carbohydrates is what your dog needs!
- Get specific with how much you are feeding – you should know the quantity of food your dog needs. Overeating and overfeeding your dog might cause obesity in them. The amount of food your dog needs depends on his Body mass index. In order to get the exact quantity, you should additionally visit a vet for suggestions.
- Try breaking up meals – Do not feed your dog too much in one go. Since dogs tend to burn out calories through their activities, breaking up meals in between activities prevent overeating and the excess storage of fat or carbohydrates in their body.
- Food quality is also key – The quality of food you feed your dog is also important. Remember, your dog is sensitive to impurities in food. Thus, make sure you get the best quality protein and dog food for your pet which would keep it healthy.
- Increase exercise technique – One of the most important things that you should remember about maintaining the health of your pet is that you should implement newer exercise techniques. Thus, taking out your pet on a walk every day might not suffice always. Implementing new exercise techniques ensures greater activity amongst all the body parts of your pet and also keeps him engaged.
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Looking after a pet requires a lot of dedication and hard work. It is, therefore, only through proper research and following certain guidelines that you can look after your dog to ensure he does not suffer from obesity or any other disease.