dine out with your dog

Tips to Dine out with your dog in Restaurant or Bar Patio this Autumn.

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You might find yourself craving to dine out with your dog in this beautiful weather and autumn evenings.

Yeah! Autumn, a season of fallen leaves with shorter cool evenings, undoubtedly holds an appealing invitation for more excursions, exploring, hikes, walks, and food dates. Furthermore, when these ventures are executed with your four-legged companion, the allure intensifies severalfold. Autumn is additionally a wonderful setting for exploring a Restaurant or Bar Patio with your dog. 

The charismatic appeal of bringing your fur buddy on a food date is far better than enjoying food and drinks alone. Not only will your loyal pup savor all the time they spend with you, spending some more time with your dog will be an escalating experience for you as well. 

It is also important to remember that though several restaurants and bars heartily welcome the fur-buddies, it’s essential and rewarding to plan, ensuring everyone’s comfort. After all, you will want to relish your meal and drinks, along with your pooch’s company, having to dwell on the factors like if they’re overheating, uncomfortable, or making a mess.

Therefore we have listed some of the best tips and tricks for ensuring your doggo’s best table manners when enjoying time at restaurants or Bar Patio this Autumn. 

Always take your dog for a walk or exercise first before your outing
Always take your dog for a walk or exercise first before your outing. Stock photo by Olga Lioncat

1. Go For a Walk or Run Beforehand

The excitement of being surrounded by so many people and other dogs may be too much for your dog, resulting in disobedience. Taking your dog on lengthy strolls pooves handy in this situation. 

In fact, according to expert studies, exercise helps in releasing endorphins hormones, which thereby aids in making your dog much happier and more relaxed during your outing. 

Therefore, Walk your dog.

Walk or exercise with your fur buddy before taking out exploring a restaurant or bar patio. It helps to reduce the chances of them being overzealous, barking, pacing, or wanting to get on your lap while you’re eating. 


What’s more, a long walk further gets your dog to do its business beforehand, reducing your worry of taking care of their poop business while eating out. Nevertheless, it is recommended to bring a spare poop bag, just in case.

Keeping your dog on leash is mandatory in some of the bars and restaurants.
Keeping your dog on leash is mandatory in some of the bars and restaurants. Stock Photo by Thirdman

2. Take the Leash along

In most pet-friendly restaurants, leashes are a necessity. 

Keeping your pooch close by putting them on a standard leash prevents him from bothering other diners. 

Therefore, prevent your dog from wandering off.

However, to enjoy a peaceful meal and avoid incidents such as tripping or safety hazards, it is advisable to use a suitable and handy dog leash.

Also Read:- All You Need To Know About Camping With Dogs

3. Make sure your dog has water.

Although most pet-friendly restaurants would gladly provide your dog with water if you ask, it’s better to be cautious than sorry.

So, before venturing out on exploring a restaurant or bar patio with your fur buddy. 


Remember to pack your dog’s water bowl.

Also, water availability is generally facilitated at most pet-friendly services. It is a good idea to pack your pooch’s water bowl as they are familiar with its possession and will be comfortable drinking from it. Keep the bowl under the table to avoid it being knocked over by the feet of other diners.

Always consider feeding your dog a super meal before you leave for an outing
Always consider feeding your dog a super meal before you leave for an outing. Stock Photos by MART PRODUCTION

4. Feed Your fur-buddy before you go

There’s no assurance that your dog won’t become overly excited when it smells nice tasty food. No matter how highly trained or well-mannered, they are. 

Before leaving your house-

Consider feeding your dog a simple supper.

In addition to bridging a water bowl, pack some of your pooch’s favorite treats. Frozen treats, chew toys, or chew sticks, will prove beneficial in keeping your doggo distracted and passing the time peacefully.  

Verifying the restaurant’s policy for dogs is always the safest option to dine with your dog
Verifying the restaurant’s policy for dogs is always the safest option to dine with your dog. Stock Photo by Michael Burrows

5. Verify the Restaurant or Bar’s Pet Policy in Advance.

While more patio restaurants are accommodating to the concept of bringing a pet, not all are dog-friendly. 

To enjoy a hassle-free and safe outing, it’s advisable to- 

Verify the restaurant’s pet policy in advance.


Furthermore, familiarizing yourself with a pet-friendly restaurant and bar rules will prove highly beneficial in aligning with the same. 

While these are some essential tips for taking your fur buddy to a restaurant or bar patio, it is also important to remember that aligning with your dog’s mood, listening to them, and being flexible is essential. Always prioritize your dog’s safety and happiness.

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