Much like cheddar, art, and wine, dogs also age pretty well. Surely, puppies are adorable but the treasures a senior dog promises to deliver is definitely a lucrative gift. The bobbing wild pup, the occasionally fretful adolescent, and the exceptionally eager grown-up weave a path to a sweet and smooth sort of poise in the senior dogs.
The basic aspects of aging like wisdom, emotional maturity, and insight along with empathy, discernment, skills, and experience are traits just not limited to humans and are quite well adorned by senior dogs as well. And are these not just the traits we often look for; certainly finding them in our new four-legged best friends sounds beyond promising and simply magical?
So, in case you’re considering adopting a senior canine friend, here are a few reasons why you should go ahead and adopt senior dogs with no second thoughts.
1. With age comes wisdom
Choosing a senior dog means they have already grown through the puppy stages. A lot of owners often ‘fail to remember’ how hard it is to potty train a little dog. Besides, being a distressing time for the owner and little guy the training is time-consuming and tedious as well. So no matter if you are comfortably resting in your bed, if those little bladders need to be relieved, you need to drag yourself out and help the kid in order to keep away from a mishap on the floor or the pup from ending up in a mess.
While in the case of senior dogs, it’s more like “That is old news”. They are already trained to realize that they should do their business at a specific place and time. They know outside is for potty time and, when required, most can hold it for as long as 8 hours. By adopting them, you’re bypassing the difficult work of housetraining.
Also See: 10 Best Dog Breeds For Outdoor Junkies
2. Greater Adaptability

Most of the senior dogs often come from a family environment that may have included different creatures. There can be a number of reasons such as, passing away of a pet parent, new babies demanding greater attention and care, hypersensitivities, a move why time and again senior dogs are removed from all that is familiar and set into the shelter homes.
However, the plus point or the potential gain for new parents is that these dogs already know how to fit in, with regards to family dynamics they come from. Hence the adaptability rate is way high and very convenient.
3. The Calm and Chill package
Our four-legged friends are simply incredible to be with. Need to sit in the yard and read a book? He’s down for it. However, Attempt that with a pup.
With a senior dog, that pressing need to consume off extra energy by chasing another animal just isn’t there – which makes the stroll pleasant. Senior dogs are usually calm.
Though not universally proved, generally most senior dogs are more chilled. They don’t need every minute of daycare a puppy requires. This makes them ideal for those with feverish work routines or for individuals who need a more laid-back companion.
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4. Good at socializing

Since most older dogs already have experience with people as well as different animals obtained during their course of life, you don’t need to stress over how they will respond to new faces, sights, and sounds
Socialization is an essential training and it shapes how a youthful canine can adjust to new settings and coexist with others. We’ve all seen certain canines that bark and snarl and become aggressive when outsiders approach or around different creatures. This can be summed down to an absence of appropriate socialization when they were young.
With a more socialized dog, it’s almost certain that his faculties have been presented to an assortment of energizers and he’s probably going to be less receptive in new circumstances.
5. Easy to train
Most of the senior dogs know and understand the basic training such as sit, stay, down, and come. No monitoring or trainer is required.
They are usually quite furnished with good basic manners and habits, leaving you more opportunity to chip away at ‘new’ tricks. Also with the presence of earlier basic training – it’s comparatively easier to teach, and these old babies are pretty good students.
6. Immediate Camaraderie

One might wonder, will the senior dogs be able to replace the bond it has had with his previous parent? Well, the answer is yes. A senior dog going through an existence change is looking for another pack that he can bond with. He needs the consolation that comes from friendship. And also because of their not requiring as much time or exertion to get comfortable and adjust, loads of senior dogs are right away prepared to be your new closest companion.
7. No Hidden Surprises
What You See Is What You Get. Senior canines have already developed into their personality, shape, size, and temperament. You know precisely what you are choosing and hence exactly what you are getting. There will not be any surprises like you may get with a puppy!
8. Easy and Low Maintenance
Most senior canines are aware of casual strolls, cuddling, and small treats. Often the necessities related to raising a four-legged kid, be it the required vaccination or any required surgeries like neutering are already met.
They are also comparatively less active and entirely glad to rest the day away while you’re working.
Also See: Top 10 Dog Breeds For Homes With Kids
9. A perfect companion for all

Senior dogs are a great package of companionship and basically fits in well with all.
Animals learn from each other. What’s more, if you already have a younger dog or any other pet and are looking forward to adding to your pack, a senior dog is your perfect option. It could possibly help teach the younger ones how to connect with individuals and other animals.
Besides this, some of the senior canines are excellent babysitters. They are a perfect choice for your two-legged kids as well.
Older dogs prove to be an eminent company for the seniors at your place. Since they are comparatively more patient and sensitive than their younger counterparts, senior dogs prove to be a wonderful choice.
Additionally, studies show that pets can play a significant role in the life of a senior. The responsibility of taking care of another living being improves both their psychological and physical wellbeing. And the responsibility of senior dogs is not much, to begin with, hence a fantastic option.
10. Save a Life, Be a Hero, It Feels Great
In the event that you are embracing a senior dog, the best thing about the whole deal is, you are saving a life. Rather than living the remainder of their days in destitution, you are giving the old friends a warm, loving home. What could be better?
You’ll be a hero and being that you’ll just set an example, which might hopefully lead to saving numerous lives. When people around you meet your new senior family member, they will be stunned. They will see the beauty of it and feel the affection you share and possibly they, as well, will adopt a senior friend.
It makes a huge difference to allow a senior dog to live their remaining life with a caring family in a warm, comfortable bed. It Feels Great!
Also See: Top 10 Big-Eared Dogs That Will Melt Your Heart
So, if you are out there, in order to add another member to your family, definitely consider adopting a senior dog. You will be glad you did it, and they will show how thankful they are with ceaseless love. Pat yourself and prove Old is Indeed good.
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