Estonian Hound

Estonian Hound Dog Breed

About Estonian Hound

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The Estonian hound is a breed of hound native to the nation of Estonia, although it was developed when this country was still part of the Soviet Union. Enjoying immense popularity as a Working Dog in its homeland, where it is the official national dog breed, the Estonian hound is primarily known for its intense drive and excellent sense of smell. The Estonian hound is also known by its Estonian name Gontacheja Estonesca and sometimes by an English translation of the Estonian tithes.

Estonian Hound Dog Breed


The Estonian hound is a very recently developed breed, and its history is very well documented. The history of this breed begins in the early 20th century. Estonia was occupied by various foreign powers since the early Middle Ages, including the Vikings, the Danes, the Teutonic Order, the Svedes, and Russia. Prior to 1914, Estonia’s Hunting Dogs were largely descended from English foxheads, various Polish Hunting Dogs, and several Russian hounds, which had been imported into the country since 1700. These dogs were probably crossbred with native Estonian Hunting Dogs, about which nothing is known next, and German Scunthound breeds. During World War I, Estonia fought a successful war of independence against the Soviet forces of Vladimir Lenin and the German forces of Kaiser Wilhelm II. A brief but prosperous period of independence followed. During this period, many Hunting Dogs from Finland, which became independent of Russia in World War I, were imported to Estonia. These Finnish hounds proved to be uniquely suited to work in Estonia and began changing breeds of pre-existing dogs. Prior to World War II, odor wounds were used to hunt all modes of game in Estonia, but large mines such as deer, boar and wolf were preferred. Estonian independence came to an end when the Soviet Union illegally annexed Estonia in 1940, using global prejudice with the Nazi advance over Paris in the Annexe.

In 1947, the Soviet Union issued a decree that all member states must develop at least one unique national dog breed. The reasons behind the act were complex and complex, but included achieving national pride after World War II, impressing upon the population that the Soviet Union was indeed a confederation of states and not a Russian-dominated empire, and dogs There were practical concerns for the need for. Special for local conditions. Although most Soviet countries developed their breeds primarily from local dogs, Estonia did not have pre-existing dog types that were considered suitable. In the years prior to 1947, Estonian large game populations were rapidly declining, and many observers believed that many species were at risk of extinction in the country as a whole. An act was passed, which made it illegal for anyone in Estonia to use Hunting Dogs, which were more than 17 long at the shoulder. It was thought that this height restriction would make it impossible to use dogs to hunt big game. Additionally, hunting was restricted to foxes, rabbits, and small vermin species. Some sources claim that the Soviet Union initiated the development of the Estonian hound in the 1930s, but this is unlikely because Estonia was an independent nation at the time.

These new rules put Estonian dog breeders in a slight dilemma. They were to develop a new dog breed, but it was to be smaller than any existing hunting breeds in Estonia. Breeders began working with the smallest native Hunting Dogs, but it was immediately clear that smaller hunting breeds would need to be imported from other countries. A large number of breeds were imported into Estonia from across Europe to improve the makeup of the newly developing Estonian breed. Due to its small size and excellent hunting abilities, the beagles and the Dakshunds were given great importance. Swiss Lofhunds, particularly Schweizer Löfhund, Luzerner Lufhund, and Berner Lufhund, were not only in favor of their size and hunting skills, but also for their ability to thrive in free climates. Those five breeds formed the basis of the Estonian hound breed, in addition to the smallest examples of pre-existing Estonian Hunting Dogs. It is also possible that some other breeds were also added such as the Drevar, Westphalian Dachtschrack, Alpine Daxbrake and Swedish and Norwegian Schnaud, but this is less clear.

General Appearance

The Estonian hound is very similar to that of the Beagle (though it is usually very slightly larger), and most Americans would certainly mistake this for such. Estonian hound is medium to small in size. The average male Estonian hound is 17½ and 20 tall long at the shoulder, while the average female is between 16½ and 19ound . Although weight is strongly influenced by height, sex, and position, most breed members of a good breed weigh between 30 and 45 pounds. The Estonian hound is usually longer than the chest to rump, as it is longer from the floor to the shoulder, although this tendency is not as exaggerated as many smaller scenthounds. The Estonian hound’s legs are proportionally short, but not excessive. As a working breed, the Estonian hound should always look fit and muscular. Although this breed is very robustly manufactured, it is not quite stock. The tail of the Estonian hound is medium to long in length, sword-shaped and below the apex line.

The head and face of the Estonian hound are reminiscent of other scanthews, although they are to some extent the most variable. Overall, the head of the Estonian hound is proportional to the size of the dog, but many are comparatively tall. The skull of the Estonian hound is round and somewhat wide. The head and the muzzle are somewhat different, but they merge very easily. The snout of the Estonian hound is straight and very long, at least as long as the skull. The Estonian hound has a more tightly fitting skin than many scunthounds and the lips should be dry and hard. The Estonian hound has a large nose. Most breed members have a black nose, although dogs with dark brown noses are also acceptable with yellow patches. The Estonian Hound’s ears are thin, long, low-placed, and rounded at the tips. These ears should hang close to the cheeks but not too close. The Estonian hound has dark brown eyes, almond in shape and small to medium in size. The overall expression of most of the breed members is friendly, lovely and attractive.

The Estonian Hound’s coat is short, thick and shiny. Soft, wavy, or coats that are too short or long are disqualified in the show ring. This breed has an undercoat, but it is only weakly developed. The coat should be uniform in length over the entire body, except for the fronts of the ears, face, tail tip, and feet, where it is slightly shorter. Because the hair on the tail is of the same length as that on the body, it makes the tail appear thicker than it actually is. The Estonian hound is a tricolor breed, meaning it exhibits three coat colors. Most of the breed members are black, tan and white, with black and tan promining on the back and sides and white prominating on the abdomen and legs. Yellow marks are also acceptable in place of black or tan. All breed members must have a white tail tip. Although black and tan markings can be intersected, black markings in white or yellow patches are considered an ineligible defect. Sometime an Estonian hound will be born with alternative markings such as solid black or solid tan. Such dogs are disqualified in the show ring and should not be bred but otherwise make Hunting Dogs or pets acceptable as members of other breeds.

Estonian Hound Dog Breed


This breed is excellent. They are healthy and easy to train


They are prone to allergies and have a tendency to be overweigjt
Estonian Hound Dog Breed


The gestation period in lasts for 60-64 days The primary period of the reproductive cycle of the female is called Proestrus and goes on for around 9 days. During this time the females begin to draw in males. The subsequent part is the Estrus when the bitch is receptive to the male. It goes on for around 3 to 11 days. The third part is the Diestrus. Usually, it happens around day 14. In this period the bitch’s discharge changes for distinctive red and reaching its end. The vulva gets back to average, and she will no longer allow mating. The fourth part called the Anestrus. The time span between heat periods ordinarily keeps going around a half year. The litter size ranges between 6 to 8 puppies at a time


The Estonian Hound does not require a lot of grooming. Seasonal flea treatment is required, but a dog’s shearing by a professional groomer is not necessary. Ears and eyes should be cleaned regularly to avoid infection. The Estonian Hound is a great choice if you don’t have the time, skills or money to care for a high-maintenance dog. Recommended for beginners.


As with all breeds, initial socialization and puppy training classes are recommended. This breed has a reputation for being difficult to house. However, in every other case, it is very easy to train them. For example, They like to perform tricks and learn new ones quickly. They respond very well to training based on positive rewards rather than harsh or negative methods. This breed is required to live with his family and is likely to result in undesirable behaviour if he is regularly left alone for long periods of time.


This breed is classified as “”somewhat active””, but is average. Long segments of quiet activity are often spread with brief bursts of high activity, often simply moving around the house or yard. In addition to walking, daily play sessions are required. Another dog can be a good exercise partner, but they will still need quality playtime with his owner. A fence-backed backyard is a good idea; Bichons are surprisingly fast, and if someone makes a dash for freedom, it can be difficult to catch or call you back. They enjoy obedience, agility and participating in rally competitions.


They should perform well on high-quality dog ​​food, whether it is commercially manufactured or prepared with the supervision and approval of your vet. Any diet should be appropriate for the age of the dog (puppy, adult or senior). Some dogs are at risk of being overweight, so watch your dog’s calorie consumption and weight level. Treatment training can be an important aid, but giving too much can lead to obesity. Know which human foods are safe for dogs, and which are not. If you have any concerns about your dog’s weight or diet, check with your vet. Clean, freshwater must be available at all times.


It does not appear, however, that any health study has been conducted on the Estonian hound which makes it impossible to make a definitive statement about the health of the breed. In fact, no details about the health of this breed are available. Most believe that the Estonian hound is a relatively healthy breed. This dog has benefited both from commercial and backyard breeding practices as well as being bred primarily as a Working Dog. This does not mean that the Estonian hound is immune to genetically inherited health conditions, but it does mean that this breed is less likely to suffer from them than most purebred dogs.

Although skeletal and visual problems are not considered a major problem in this breed, it is advisable for owners to test their pets by both the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) and the Canine Eye Registration Foundation (CERF) . OFA and CERF perform genetic and other tests before identifying potential health defects. It is particularly valuable in detecting conditions that do not appear until the dog has reached an advanced age, it is especially important for anyone considering breeding their dog , Which has tested them to prevent the spread of potential genetic conditions to their offspring. It is very reasonable to request that breeders show any OFA and CERF documents that they have a puppy or its parents, which will essentially be all respectable breeders.

Although health studies have not been conducted on Estonian hounds, they have been on many closely related and similar breeds. Based on these studies, Estonian hounds may be susceptible to the following conditions:

  • Patella / Patellar Luxation Luxing
  • Chronic ear infection
  • Demodicosis / Demodectic Mange / Demodex mange
  • skin allergy
  • food allergies
  • Respiratory allergies
  • Progressive retinal atrophy / PRA
  • Access
  • Extraversion
  • Rapid weight gain
  • obesity
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Arthritis
  • hip dysplasia
  • Elbow dysplasia
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