Cumberland Sheepdog

Cumberland Sheepdog Dog Breed

About Cumberland Sheepdog

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The Cumberland Sheepman is an extinct dog breed that is an early relative of Border Collie and the Australian Shepherd. Although little information exists regarding the early history or use of this breed, it was called the 6th Earl of Lonsdale, the favorite breed of Lansdale Edward Lothar, and the breed was in his family for over a hundred years. As of now unknown reasons the breed was beginning to adapt by the end of the 19th century and by the early 20th century most of the current members were being referred to as border collages and could in fact be absorbed. The latter breed.

Cumberland Sheepdog Dog Breed


One reason for the possible absorption of the Cumberland Sheepdog in Border Coli may be related to its area of ​​prominence. In the early and mid-19th century the Cumberland Sheepdog was found mainly in the Peak District, an area in central and northern England that lay mainly in North Derbyshire, but also in Cheshire, Greater Manchester, Staffordshire and the South Parts of. And West Yorkshire; And in its vicinity and in the Chiiviot Hills, there is a series of rolling hills on the England-Scotland border between the borders of North-England and Scotland. The latter border area being the homeland of the latter border collie and there is no doubt on the reasoning behind its name, since during this time dogs were generally either the purpose they served or the area they came from. . Thus it is highly likely that any dog ​​or collie-type that goes along the Scottish English borders is known as a border collie.

There is almost no mention of Cumberland sheep dogs in popular written works of the period, which deal with the breeds of dogs. The only reference to a sheep sheepman from Cumberland is the description of the dog with an exceptionally intelligent dog, with superb herring abilities, and William Uyatt, a 19th-century veterinarian by trade and possibly the most knowledgeable of those centuries And is one of the respected authors who wrote in his work, Dog-A Nineteenth-Century Dog-Lovers Manual, a combination of the essential and the esoteric (1852) which:

“”A butcher and cattle-merchant, who lived about nine miles from Alston in Cumberland, bought a diver’s dog. The butcher was accustomed to purchase sheep and the surrounding area, which when flattened Had it happened, he went to the Alston market and was sold. In these excursions he was often amazed at the peculiar poise of his dog, and more than the usual readiness and dexterity with which he managed the cattle; to the length he himself Ko was much less bothered about the case, but rode carelessly, making himself very happy to see how the dog acquitted himself of his charge. At length, so confident was he Along with laxity was loyalty, that he placed a condition that he would trust the dog with many sheep and oxen, and let them drive alone and make Alston out of reach of the market. It was determined that someone Neither should there be sight or hearing that the dog had the least control over, nor was there any spectator to interfere. This extraordinary animal, however, is The settled carried on with his business in a steady and efficient manner; And, though he was often to run his charge through other herds of grazing, he did not lose a single one; But, to take him to the same yard that he was used to accompany his mentor, he led him to the person appointed to bark at his door. When the route he went, he passed through plains in which others were grazing, he proceeded, stopping his own drum, and then chasing others, collecting his scattered charge. Used to do, and used to move forward.

For as yet unknown reasons, the late Lord Lonsdale is said to be on the verge of total extinction and in 1899 with the German Shepherd Dogs to save all the other Cumberland Sheepdogs from their bloodbeds. It should be noted that the German Shepherd Dog of this time had little connection with the modern version of the breed and the name was applied to describe any dog ​​intended to raise and protect sheep. These dogs were probably large patron breeds used to protect early flocks from wolves and other predators, which were thrown at them with just enough work capacity to make them capable dogs. The modern version of the breed, the German Shepherd Dog as we know it today, was in 1899, to be developed by Captain Max Emil Friedrich von Steffenitz.

From this point (1899), history seems to have been cleared up and no real mention has been made of the Cumberland Sheepdog, until his absence was made by Clifford LB Hubbard, Dogs in Britain, one of All an Native Breeds. Be noted in the book. Most exotic breeds in Britain (1948):

“”Not much is heard about this breed nowadays, although it has been around for a long time in the north of England. From the Peak District to the Cheviots, especially on the eastern side, the Cumberland Sheepdog is known as a fine working breed. The late Lord Lonsdale was a great admirer of the breed and had many owners during his time. The Cumberland Sheepdogs were in his family for over a hundred years, and it is certain that no man did as much for the breed. He tried his best to save it from extinction, but had to overcome it in 1899 with the German Shepherd Dog; This saved the race for a period of time but a few years ago Lord Lonsdale dissolved his kennel and gave his cumberland to peasant friends around Lothar.

The lamb has been bred in testing for at least sixty-five years, habitat Finally, many of the awards that have won the so-called Border Colleges are in fact Cumberland Sheepdog.

“The breed in general is very similar to the Welsh lambs and older working collie types, and works quietly, quickly and on-the-ground. The head is rather wide and flat, with a medium-length muzzle, small rather than falling in front of the ears or on a semi-column. The body is quite long and extremely light, with light, though muscular legs and a low-set tail are carried on the trail. The coat is quite heavy and quite dense, and has a blackish white spot, the tip of the chest, legs, and tail. It is about 20 in height, and weighs up to 40–50 pounds.

The above description of the physical characteristics and functioning of the Cumberland Sheepdog can be easily applied to describe the modern border collie, which itself is a dog that is about 20 in height (the modern breed standard call for males is 19-22 Is long), with a black coat trimmed on the chest, legs, and the tip of the tail with white. Additionally, the described work style also includes the modern border collie, known for its ‘strong-eyed’ breed; This means that it usually works in a silent but intense fashion with its front shoulders and uses its eyes to control livestock by tilting its eyes down. The modern border collie is actually similar to the now extinct Cumberland Sheepdog, which we may never know, but similar areas of development and similar working style and presence lend to the theory that there is certainly a connection between the two is. two.

General Appearance

Cumberland Sheepdog Dog Breed




Cumberland Sheepdog Dog Breed












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