Carolina Dog

Carolina Dog Breed

About Carolina Dog

Life Span
Getting a puppy home


Carolina dogs are descended from Canio with Paleo-Americans who traveled from Asia to North America on the Bering Land Bridge. Today, they can still be found living wild near the Georgia-South Carolina border, but have also been seen in the north of Ohio and Pennsylvania and as far west as Arizona; Rural areas are common. The typical Carolina dog has pointed ears, a fox-like muzzle and a tail that recedes like a fish when it is raised. They resemble Australian dingoes but, taxonomically, they fall under the Canis familiaris. Hitchhikers with strangers, they will sound the alarm when who is unaware at the door, but once they see their people, they are happy. The Carolina Dogs have an extreme pack mentality, as it was a necessity to survive in the wild.

Carolina Dog Breed


When humans moved from Asia to the Bering Land Bridge in North America, they brought with them a primitive form of a dog, which was domesticated thousands of years ago from Asiatic wolves. The skeletons and mummified remains of these dogs have been discovered along with other artifacts related to the Native Americans of the Southwest and from there, they have moved further into Central and South America and are currently in the eastern United States. Archaeologists discovered that the canines remained in the Ceremonial Bureau in the southeastern jungles, reflecting their association with Native Americans long before Europeans arrived.

Recent free-ranging studies of dogs from the southeast and southwest suggest close ancestry and possible ancestry from these primitive peers based on behavior and ecology. Dr. These free-dogs were named Carolina Dogs by Lehr Brisbin, who initially made contact with the breed in the southeast.

General Appearance

The Carolina Dog is actually similar to other Paraya-type dogs around the world, especially the Canaan Dog, the Dingo, and the New Guinea Singing Dog. This breed is the most primitive-looking of all domestic dogs, and is probably similar to the very first dogs. Carolina Dog is a medium-sized breed. The average breed member is 17 ¾ and 19 5/8 tall at the shoulder, although it is not uncommon to see variations of up to 3 in both directions. Weight is heavily influenced by height, sex, and erection, but most breed members weigh between 30 and 44 pounds. Female Carolina dogs are more lightly constructed than males, but this difference is considerably less than in most dog breeds. The Carolina Dog is generally quite square, although some individuals grow from chest to tail, as they are tall from floor to shoulder. In general, it is a very lightly constructed breed, and many have bodies that resemble slightly heavier wounds. It is not uncommon to have clearly visible ribs in these dogs even when they are healthy. Although thin, Carolina dogs are generally quite fleshy, and very distinctly athletic.

The tail of the Carolina Dog is one of the most important features of the breed. This tail is very clear, clearly showing the feelings of the dog. When the dog is in focus, the tail is moved to a specific upright fish hook shape. When the dog is in motion, it is moved to a pump handle shape. The dog often keeps its tail short or between its legs when relaxed or nervous, but the tail should never be lethargic. The tail has a distinctive brush that is thickest on the underside. The bottom of the tail always has a lighter shade or color than the upper part.

Carolina Dog’s head and face look very primitive. The head forms a wide triangle, accented by a tapping muzzle with strong jaw muscles. The muzzle and head blend very easily and are only semi-indistinguishable from each other. The muzzle itself is equal to the length of the skull, and the black lips had to be tied tightly. The teeth of this breed are quite large and well developed, and are found in a scissor or level bite. Carolina Dog has a black, large, and well-opened nose. Carolina Dog’s ears are the most expressive of all dogs, and clearly show the mood of the breed. It is not uncommon for this breed to move its ears freely. The ears should stand upright and forward, although the exact size varies greatly from dog to dog. Semi-prickling and fully ear-to-ear are found in a number of Carolina dogs, but they are heavily punished in the show ring. Carolina Dog’s eyes are almond shaped, absolutely eye-catching, and dark brown. The overall expression of most Carolina dogs is soft and intelligent, but highly cautious and somewhat wild at the same time.

The Carolina Dog’s coat is one of the most unique features of the breed. The coat is in many ways more like a wolf than a domestic dog, and it changes a lot depending on the season. In winter, the coat is heavier and has a thicker undercoat. This dog throws off his coat for the summer quite a bit, and when the weather changes, it is visible. The soles of the head, ears and feet are covered in hair which is very small and smooth. Thick, long hair is protected in the rest of the body. When the dogs are on meditation or cold, these hairs come out straight away. The Carolina Dog is found in many different colors, although some specials are preferred in the show ring. As per official UKC standard:

“”Favorite color: Dark red ginger with light buff marking on the shoulder and with a muzzle.””

Acceptable color: change in color, grading from straw color to straw to yellow fondant.

Preferred and acceptable colors typically include light shedding on the underside, chest and throat, sometimes almost white on the throat. It is common to have something white on the toes and not to be punished. The back is dark, the lens and the tail permissible. Dogs under two years of age often have all-black mites, but are not required.

The following color patterns are allowed, but should not be encouraged: black and tan, pebbled spotting and black blanket back.

Carolina Dog Breed


This breed does not require a lot of grooming


This breed is prone to health and allergy issues, is not apartment friendly
Carolina Dog Breed


The gestation period in lasts for 60-64 days The primary period of the reproductive cycle of the female is called Proestrus and goes on for around 9 days. During this time the females begin to draw in males. The subsequent part is the Estrus when the bitch is receptive to the male. It goes on for around 3 to 11 days. The third part is the Diestrus. Usually, it happens around day 14. In this period the bitch’s discharge changes for distinctive red and reaching its end. The vulva gets back to average, and she will no longer allow mating. The fourth part called the Anestrus. The time span between heat periods ordinarily keeps going around a half year. The litter size ranges between 6 to 8 puppies at a time.


Carolina Dog needs minimal grooming. They have a tendency to keep themselves clean like a cat; However, occasional bathing may be necessary. These dogs do not require any special grooming techniques other than brushing and nail trimming. The coat length is medium to short, however, in northern areas some dogs have developed longer hair lengths. The density of the coat is affected seasonally, generally heavier in the cooler months and lighter in the warmer months. In the cooler months, there should be a very clear undercoat. Short and smooth hair is found on the head, ears and front legs. Thick, long guard hairs occur on the neck, shoulders, and back. When awakened, these hairs become erect.


Carolina dogs are very easily trained, eager to please, and may or may not respond to training treatment. They excel in competitive activities and hunt small game.


Like any other dog, the Carolina Dog requires exercise. These are not high-energy dogs, but should be some form of daily exercise. Exercise options include playing time in the backyard, preferably being fired, or taking a walk several times a day. Exercise can also come in the form of indoor activities, such as playing hide and seek, chasing a rolled ball along the floor, or learning new tricks. Some outdoor activities such as swimming, hiking, recovering balls or flying discs can provide a good outlet to expend energy. Training for dog sports such as agility, obedience and rally can also be a great way to give your dog exercise.


Carolina Dog should perform well on high quality dog ​​food, whether it is commercially manufactured or prepared with the supervision and approval of your veterinarian. Any diet should be appropriate for the age of the dog (puppy, adult or senior). Some dogs are at risk of being overweight, so watch your dog’s calorie consumption and weight level. Treatment training can be an important aid, but giving too much can lead to obesity. Know which human foods are safe for dogs, and which are not. If you have any concerns about your dog’s weight or diet, check with your vet. Clean, fresh water must be available at all times.


In general, Carolina dogs enjoy good health. Recent studies have shown that some ivermectin are sensitive, so discuss this with your veterinarian before conducting any antiparasin medications. Working with a responsible breeder, prospective owners can get the education they need to know about specific health concerns within the breed. Good breeders use health screening and genetic testing to reduce the likelihood of disease in their puppies.

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