
Broholmer Dog Breed

About Broholmer

Life Span
Getting a puppy home


A large, mastiff-type dog, the browhole is rectangular and strongly built with a wide, massive head. Around the year 1800, a Danish dog book described him as a very common breed, most notably around Copenhagen. His nickname was “Butcher’s Dog”, as he was often seen lying at the door of butcher shops. He was the keeper of the house and the shepherd and keeper of the cattle on the farm and in the market of the city. Today, its size is the only thing that keeps intruders at bay. Broler has a heart of gold, loves to be cuddled, and always wants to be near you, though his priority is to sit on you. He is an excellent dog with children and other dogs, although because he underestimates his size, supervision is recommended. This breed is also remarkably agile for its size and can hold agile, balls, and jumps and frisbees. Whatever you do, camping, hiking, picnic, walking in the park, he will be more than happy to go with you.

Broholmer Dog Breed


As a variant, the breed has been known since the Middle Ages, when it was used for stag hunting. Later, it was used primarily as a patron dog for large farms and manors. Towards the end of the 18th century, these dogs were pure bred and increased in number leading to the counthead of Throatholm from which the breed has inherited its name. After World War II, the breed became virtually extinct, but around 1975, a group of committed people, later organized as The Society for the Reconstruction of the Broholler Breed, supported by the Danish Kennel Club, Started the work of reviving the breed.

In 1998, the Brelher breed was officially accepted by the International Breed Registry, FCI. As of 2009, Broholar was found only in Denmark and some other European countries. Then in June of the same year, the first Danish Danish matiff named Honor was imported to the United States by Kathy Kimith of the Broulher Club, USA. Since then, interest in the breed has increased.

General Appearance

Broholmer is very similar in comparison to other mastiff-type dogs, but this breed is much less promiscuous and the most brachycephalic. The broiler is significantly smaller than many other mastiff breeds, but is still too large for a large-scale dog. The average height of a male broiler is about 29 male at the shoulder, and the average height for a female is about 27 male . It is not uncommon for individual dogs to vary in this direction by an average of four . The average male broiler weighs between 110 and 130 pounds, while the average female weighs between 85 and 130 pounds. This breed is very powerfully built, with thick legs and a deep chest. However, Brolmer has much more athletic performance than most mollosers, and has a body that looks more like a Rottweiler than an English mastiff. The musculature of this breed is very well developed, although somewhat loose skin often partially obscures it. Brolmer’s tail is long, low-set, and very thick. The tail is usually kept low when the dog is at rest and should never be carried backward.

The head of the browhole is large and powerful, although it is not too large for the size of the dog. The skull should be broad and flat. The muzzle is definitely different from the head, but in the case of most mastiffs the two mixtures are much more smoothly. Unlike most mastiffs, the broiler is not a brachycephalic breed, meaning it does not have a muzzle, pushed into the muzzle. The muzzle is massive in size, and although it appears smaller than the skull, it is actually about the same length. The top of the muzzle should be parallel to the top of the head, and the bite of the browhole should never be below or above the shot. Brölher’s lips are of course pendulous, but never to the extent where he would be described as jolly. The nose of the browhole should be large and black regardless of the color of the dog’s coat. Brolmer’s ears are medium in size and close to the cheeks. The eyes of this breed are round, not particularly large, and range from light to dark amber. The expression of most of the breed members is calm and very reassuring.

The Brolmer is a double-coated breed, which means it has a different outer coat and undercoat. The outer coat is short and close-laced, while the undercoat is short, soft and very thick. Brolher is found in three acceptable colors: yellow, golden red, and black with a black mask. In practice, the majority of brohlers are golden red, and very few breed members are black. White markings on the chest, legs and tail are perfectly acceptable and common in all three colors. Occasionally a browhole will be produced in an alternate color such as brindle. Such dogs are punished in the show ring and should not be bred, but otherwise make excellent companions as members of the other breed.

Broholmer Dog Breed


This breed is very intelligent, does not require a lot of grooming and a healthy dog


This breed is prone to allergies, a heavy droller and not cat friendlya
Broholmer Dog Breed


The gestation period in lasts for 60-64 days The primary period of the reproductive cycle of the female is called Proestrus and goes on for around 9 days. During this time the females begin to draw in males. The subsequent part is the Estrus when the bitch is receptive to the male. It goes on for around 3 to 11 days. The third part is the Diestrus. Usually, it happens around day 14. In this period the bitch’s discharge changes for distinctive red and reaching its end. The vulva gets back to average, and she will no longer allow mating. The fourth part called the Anestrus. The time span between heat periods ordinarily keeps going around a half year. The litter size ranges between 6 to 8 puppies at a time.


Beyond regular weekly grooming, an occasional bath will keep your brow hair clean and look its best. Grooming can be a wonderful bonding experience for you and your dog. Regularly trim strong, fast-growing nails with a nail clipper or grinder to prevent overgrowth, splitting, and breakage. The ear should be examined regularly to avoid a buildup of wax and debris, which may result in infection. The teeth should be brushed regularly.


As with all breeds, initial socialization and puppy training classes are recommended. This breed has a reputation for being difficult at home. However, in every other case, it is very easy to train them. For example, they like to perform tricks and learn new ones quickly. They respond very well to training based on positive rewards rather than harsh or negative methods. This breed is required to live with its family and is likely to result in undesirable behavior if it is regularly left alone for long periods of time.


Exercise options include playing time in the backyard, preferably fenced, or taking a walk several times a day. Exercise can also come in the form of indoor activities, such as playing hide and seek, chasing a rolled ball along the floor, or teaching them new tricks. Some outdoor activities such as swimming, hiking, recovering balls or flying discs can provide a good outlet to expend energy. Training for dog sports such as agility, obedience and rally can also be a great way to give your dog exercise.


Broler should perform well on high quality dog ​​food, whether it is commercially manufactured or prepared with the supervision and approval of your veterinarian. Any diet should be appropriate for the age of the dog (puppy, adult or senior). Some dogs are at risk of being overweight, so watch your dog’s calorie consumption and weight level. Treatment training can be an important aid, but giving too much can lead to obesity. Know which human foods are safe for dogs, and which are not. If you have any concerns about your dog’s weight or diet, check with your vet. Clean, fresh water must be available at all times.


Most Brolhammars are healthy dogs. Working with a responsible breeder who owns Broholmer can get the education they need to know about specific health concerns within the breed. Good breeders use health screening and genetic testing of their breeding stock to reduce the likelihood of disease in their puppies.

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