Bouvier des Ardennes

Bouvier des Ardennes Dog Breed

About Bouvier des Ardennes

Life Span
Getting a puppy home


Bovier des Ardennes is a cattle dog breed exclusively for the forest area of ​​Belgium. The breed was developed into a herd of cattle and was transported from the farm to the market. The Buvir des Ardennes was considered extinct as a result of world wars, but two small living populations were discovered in the 1980s and 1990s. Since that time, breeders and radicals have been working to increase the breed’s numbers and restore the breed to the status it once enjoyed. Bouvier des Ardenis is known for having naturally earlobes and a strange coat and for being a talented and dedicated Working Dog. Bouvier des Ardennes is also known as Ardennes Cattle Dog, Ardennes Drawing Dog and Petit Bouvier.

Bouvier des Ardennes Dog Breed


Very little is known with certainty about the history of Bouvir des Ardenis. This breed was probably developed before the time when written records were kept for dog breeding, and in any case developed by farmers who only cared about the dog’s ability, and not Its genealogy or history. Bower first records written records in 1800, and it appears that the breed was already well established in its homeland by that time. This may mean that the breed evolved somewhat earlier, perhaps the 17th or 18th century. It is almost certain that the breed was developed in Ardennes, a hilly and heavily forested area located in the south of Belgium. The first records of the dog all come from the Ardinens, and it does not appear that the breed existed elsewhere before the 20th century.

The Boovier des Ardennes was originally almost exclusive to shepherd and driving cattle. The name of this breed literally translates to either, “The Cattle Dog of Ardennes,” or, “The Dog of the Ardennes Gira.” The breed rounded the cattle and moved them from one place to another. This was necessary for several reasons. This allowed farmers to move cattle to different areas to graze anew. This allowed them to bring their cattle to the barn at night or during winter. Perhaps most importantly, farmers were able to take their cattle for sale in the market. In an era where there was no motorized transportation and the market could be several miles away from a farm, the use of dropping dogs was an absolute necessity.

It is not clear which breeds were used to develop the Bower des Ardenis. Many claim that it was developed exclusively from local dogs which evolved over time into a different local variety. Others claim that it was banned by crossing the Picardy Shepherd with the Belgian Cattle Dog. In this writer’s opinion, the breed is most likely the result of crossing the Schnauzer and Dutch Shepherds with local Belgian dogs. The breed apparently shares with other Belgian Buvivars, and is native to the same country. The coat and appearance of many breed members is very similar to that of Schneizer, which was used to release cattle in the neighboring country of Germany. The color of the brindle coat found in the breed is similar to that common among Dutch Shepherds, which at one time was commonly found in the Belgian region of Belgium.

General Appearance

The Bouvière des Ardenis has the most unique appearance of all European herring dogs. While the breed is generally similar to other continental breeding breeds, most notably the Belgian and Dutch Shepherds, this would probably not be mistaken for any of those breeds. The Bouvière des Ardennes is the medium of a large breed. Males typically stand between 22 to 24½ long shoulder and weigh between 60 and 75 pounds. The female typically stands between 20½ and 22 at the shoulder and weighs between 45 and 60 pounds. It is a square proportional breed that should be almost as long as it is from floor to shoulder, from chest to tail. This breed is very lit and incredibly muscular, but its coat often makes it look much thicker and less athletic, which it actually is. The Buvir des Ardenis have a similar body to that of breeds such as the Belgian Malinois, but are usually somewhat more broadly constructed. As a Working Dog, the Bower des Ardenis must be completely devoid of any exaggerated trait that would impede its action potential. The tail of Bouvier des Ardennes is thick and set high. The tail of this breed has traditionally been of very short length, although this is not necessary. Many breed members exhibit a naturally raised tail, although some have a long tail.

The head and face of the Bauvir des Ardennes are somewhat smaller for the size of the dog, especially in relation to length. The head is flat and only slightly longer than it is wide. The head and the muzzle are distinctly distinct, but blend relatively smoothly. The muzzle itself is quite thick, and at least as wide as the skull. The muzzle is also quite small, clearly smaller than the skull. The muzzle has close fitting lips and ends in a broad nose that should always be black regardless of the dog’s coat color. The ears of Bouvier des Ardennes are small and triangular in shape. Fully embossed ears are preferred and are in fact the most common, but semi prick or rose ears are also acceptable. Bouvier des Ardenis’ eyes are relatively small in size, oval, and as dark as possible. Many breed members have a profound and intelligent expression.

Bouvier des Ardennes’s coat is dense, double and completely weatherproof. The coat is dry, thick, and padded. Hair is about 2 hairs long on most of the body, but it is shorter and shorter on the head and face. The hair of this breed should be accompanied by a beard and mustache, which covers the corners of the eyes. The ears are covered in short, straight hair. The undercoat of the breed is very dense throughout the body regardless of the weather and is about 1 to 1¼ in length. Color is not considered important for breeders of this Working Dog, and all colors and patterns except white (a color that has a proven genetic link to deafness) are completely acceptable. In practice, the vast majority of breed members are either brittle or a mixtures or have gray, fawn and black hair. A small amount of white paint on the chest or feet is acceptable, but should not be present elsewhere.

Belgian farmers were highly selective about the dogs that they used to raise their cattle. Only the best and most capable dogs were allowed to do so. This created a surplus of the Bauviers des Ardennes. Some of these dogs were almost certainly euthanized, but many of them were acquired by local hunters. Unlike most herring dogs, the Bower des Ardennes proved to be a highly capable Hunting Dog. This breed had a very good sense of smell, making it an excellent tracker, a high hunting drive making it a keen hunter, and it was very intelligent, following orders when dealing with a dangerous prey. Able to do it. By the end of the 19th century, the Bauvir des Ardennes was known throughout southern Belgium as an excellent deer and boar Hunting Dog./p>

For many years, Belgian farmers banned their bovirs, particularly for their ability to work. They initially cared little for dog shows or breed standardization. As a result, many different localized varieties evolved, and at one point, Belgium, a country the size of Maryland, was home to at least 5 different breeds of bower. These were Bouvier des Flandres, Bouvier des Ardennes, Bouvier des Roullers, Bouvier de Moéramon and Bouvier de Parret. Eventually, the popularity of dog shows and kennel clubs reached Belgium and there was a major national effort to standardize and identify the country’s native breeds. In order to encourage their participation, separate classes were organized to release dogs at the Belgian Dog Show. On April 23, 1903, Professor Reul discovered a Bouvier des Ardennes named Tom at the Ledge Dog Show. Tom was considered the ideal specimen of a diver’s dog and may have been an example used to create an official breed standard. In 1913, the Leg Society for the Improvement of the Cattle Dog was founded. The club formulated a proposed standard for both the Bower des Ardenis and the Bower des Roullers. Unfortunately, time could not be worse for the Bower des Ardennes and the whole country of Belgium.

Bouvier des Ardennes Dog Breed


This breed is easy to train, intelligent and drools very less


This breeds requires a lot of groomig, is not apartment friendly and is prone to allergies.
Bouvier des Ardennes Dog Breed


The gestation period in lasts for 60-64 days The primary period of the reproductive cycle of the female is called Proestrus and goes on for around 9 days. During this time the females begin to draw in males. The subsequent part is the Estrus when the bitch is receptive to the male. It goes on for around 3 to 11 days. The third part is the Diestrus. Usually, it happens around day 14. In this period the bitch’s discharge changes for distinctive red and reaching its end. The vulva gets back to average, and she will no longer allow mating. The fourth part called the Anestrus. The time span between heat periods ordinarily keeps going around a half year. The litter size ranges between 6 to 8 puppies at a time.


The coat of Bouvier des Ardennes requires a significant commitment to maintenance. Unless this breed is regularly brushed, its hair can become mats and tangles. Ideally this breed would be brushed every day, but it would be fine if prepared well 3 times a week. Buvir des Ardenis should not require professional grooming, but some owners choose to shave their dogs when the temperature rises. Bouvir des Ardenesis sheds. Generally this breed is a lighter for the average cheddar, but once or twice a year it will become very heavy when the seasons change.


As with all breeds, initial socialization and puppy training classes are recommended. This breed has a reputation for being difficult to house. However, in every other case, it is very easy to train them. For example, They like to perform tricks and learn new ones quickly. They respond very well to training based on positive rewards rather than harsh or negative methods. This breed is required to live with his family and is likely to result in undesirable behaviour if he is regularly left alone for long periods of time.


This breed is classified as “somewhat active”, but is average. Long segments of quiet activity are often spread with brief bursts of high activity, often simply moving around the house or yard. In addition to walking, daily play sessions are required. Another dog can be a good exercise partner, but they will still need quality playtime with his owner. A fence-backed backyard is a good idea; Bichons are surprisingly fast, and if someone makes a dash for freedom, it can be difficult to catch or call you back. They enjoy obedience, agility and participating in rally competitions.


They should perform well on high-quality dog ​​food, whether it is commercially manufactured or prepared with the supervision and approval of your vet. Any diet should be appropriate for the age of the dog (puppy, adult or senior). Some dogs are at risk of being overweight, so watch your dog’s calorie consumption and weight level. Treatment training can be an important aid, but giving too much can lead to obesity. Know which human foods are safe for dogs, and which are not. If you have any concerns about your dog’s weight or diet, check with your vet. Clean, freshwater must be available at all times.


It does not appear that any health studies have been conducted on the Bower des Ardennes, which makes it impossible to make a definitive statement about the health of the breed. The breed has many risks of genetically inherited health conditions, as it has such a small gene pool, but has also benefited from decades of breeding for its ability to function fully. Some sources claim that the breed’s life expectancy is between 11 and 12 years, but it is unclear where this estimate comes from.

Although the health status of the breed is unclear, it is advisable for owners to have their pets tested by both the Orthopedic Foundation (OFA) and the Canine Eye Registration Foundation (CERF). OFA and CERF perform genetic and other tests before identifying potential health defects. It is particularly valuable in detecting conditions that do not appear until the dog has reached an advanced age, it is especially important for anyone considering breeding their dog , Which has tested them to prevent the spread of potential genetic conditions to their offspring.

Although health studies have not been conducted on the Bower des Ardennes, they have been for several closely related and similar breeds. Some of the problems of greatest concern include:

  • hip dysplasia
  • Elbow dysplasia
  • Epilepsy
  • Access
  • Extraversion
  • Progressive retinal atrophy / PRA
  • Bloat / gastric torsion
  • Retinal dysplasia
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