

About Aidi

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If you somehow managed to picture a medium-sized canine with a thick coat that bears some similarity to a sheepdog, you could be thinking about the Aidi. It is otherwise called the Chien de l’Atlas and it is an African variety that was developed in Morocco. This variety was not very common until the 1960s it actually has not been perceived by the AKC yet. Despite the fact that this variety was developed for animals guardianship, the current Aidi breed is all the more usually popular for companionship..



The history of the Aidi breed can be followed back to North Africa and it presumably began in the Sahara region. The breed was created to work in the Atlas Mountains of Libya, Morocco, and Algeria where it attempted to shield its handlers from hunters. The Aidi is otherwise called the Berber and it has been known as various different names including the Chien de l’Atlas – it was even erroneously named the Atlast Sheepdog when the very first breed standard was distributed in 1963, despite the fact that this breed never filled in as a sheepdog. This slip-up was remedied in 1969. In spite of the fact that initially reproduced as a hunter and defender, all the more as of late the Aidi has gotten known as a house canine and it does especially well as a metropolitan pet when given sufficient exercise.

General Appearance

This breed has a tightened gag with a dark or brown nose that generally coordinates with the coat. Their jaws are solid with tight dark or earthy colored lips. The medium-sized ears are tipped forward and drop marginally. The eyes are medium, with a dull tone and dim edges.


This breed is very easy to groom and does not need a lot of time or energy for the grooming process. Futher they are one of the best possible watchdog breeds. Their tendency to chew, her people or nip ana play-bite is between lower to average. These dogs are super kid friendly and are generally recommended for senior citizens.”


This breed is definitely not a very bright one as their intelligence rank is between low to average. Neither are they very trainable. They are also prone to frequent health issues which are higher than other breeds. They do not handle allergies very well and are very prone to them. This dog might not be very suitable for the office environment. This breed might not the best choice for first time dog parents as this breed can be very stubborn at times.


The gestation period in an Aidi lasts for 60-64 days

The primary period of the reproductive cycle of the female Aidi is called Proestrus and goes on for around 9 days. During this time the females begin to draw in males. The subsequent part is the Estrus when the bitch is receptive to the male. It goes on for around 3 to 11 days. The third part is the Diestrus. Usually, it happens around day 14. In this period the bitch’s discharge changes for distinctive red and reaching its end. The vulva gets back to average, and she will no longer allow mating. The fourth part called the Anestrus. The time span between heat periods ordinarily keeps going around a half year. The litter size ranges between 6 to 8 puppies at a time




This breed is a medium sized dog and it is probably going to require 1½ to 2½ cups of great dry canine food consistently. Anyway it ought not be eaten at a time, spread it out atleast between two meals in a day. How much canines eat relies upon their activity levels, size and general wellbeing so this may require some changing relying upon your canine.


The Aidi does well in metropolitan settings as long as it is given sufficient every day excersices. This breed is genuinely dynamic and requires a long every day walk – it would likewise value some extra playitme and extra energy in an enormous, fenced yard if conceivable. Ensuring this variety gets sufficient mental and actual incitement is the way to forestalling the advancement of behavioural issues.


Generally, the Aidi breed is extremely sound and not inclined to developing very serious medical issues. As is valid with all canines, in any case, this variety might be inclined to building up specific conditions like hip dysplasia, eye issues, and elbow dysplasia.,/p>

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