Puppy pose and downward facing dogs

Puppy pose and downward facing dogs: Dog yoga class benefits local animal rescue organizations.

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Terms like downward-facing dogs, puppy pose are all heard in the yoga classes when the instructors ask you to warm up your body. But this time these words were heard from a place close to where the name comes from. These words were heard alongside little cute puppies and barking dogs. At Red Shedman farm brewery, Yogis were joined by man’s best friend for a good reason.

It was a one-hour-long session. Yogis and Dogs were on their mats for a sweaty yoga session organized by Doggy Noses and Yoga Poses. This group has a unique approach by organizing yoga classes all along the East coast for yogis and dog lovers. They help people in practicing yoga along with some sweet creatures called dogs. They try to bring awareness through their cause and raise funds for a few local animal rescue groups.

The recent session included dogs from a local rescue group named as PetConnect Rescue which works in fostering dogs and cats who are at high risk of euthanasia. They help the rescued dogs and cats in transitioning them from their foster care homes to their permanent homes in the presence of their loved ones. A volunteer Nina Price, owner of two rescue dogs herself explains “Events like these play a very important role in the adoption process of foster dogs. People get the motivation to fund dog rescue organizations and adopt dogs. We are working on rescuing dogs and finding their potential forever homes at such events.”

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Events like these get popular, a few people put their pictures on social media, Dogs get the attention, people eventually adopt them.

Stephanie Leimenstoll along with her daughter Katie attended their first yoga class a few years back. They always looked forward to another such class. They together have two rescued dogs. They always wanted to help more dogs like theirs.

“We were always looking forward to attending such a class. It was an easy and creative way to do yoga along with helping organizations in finding forever homes for the dogs,” says Stephanie.

Katie loved doing yoga and also played with little pups at the event. A little pup even stole one of her socks but she truly enjoyed it. Katie says, “It was amazing to see the attention the dogs were getting, it gave a hope that they will soon find a loving home.”

Kelly Krichten, the event manager at Doggy Noses and Yoga Poses. She founded this organization after attending one such class. She immediately adopted two rescue dogs and started organizing more such classes. ”There are millions of dogs who need care and homes. Many organizations worldwide are helping dogs and they need our support in whatever manner we can,” said Krichten.

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