If you are a pet parent, you would know that infection due to worms is one of the most commonly faced problems in dogs. This worm or parasitic attack is usually in the lungs or intestines, however, it is not restricted to these areas. You can always consult your veterinary doctor to get the right medicine for your pet. But we would suggest you try these Natural Remedies before you resort to other means.
Worms and Parasites can be big trouble for dogs and getting rid of these at the earliest is important.
Solving health issues in dogs using natural things doesn’t cause any side effects to the body. In a way, it is like curing a dog without causing any further issues to its body. However, there are other treatments and medicines available for deworming of dogs.
If you reached this page, it is probably because your pet is having worms or you are taking precautions or just keeping yourself updated. It is good for you to regularly deworm your dog, even if it is not facing many issues. Well, for all the above cases, this is going to be a perfect read for you.
In this blog, we would initially give you a brief description of what worming in dogs is and how it occurs. We need to understand the problem before we try to find the solutions to it. Post that, you will find a list of natural remedies to cure this problem.

Types of Worms That Affect Dogs
You might be wondering what kind of worms attack dogs. There are quite a few worms that cause infections in dogs’ bodies. Some of these can be named Heartworms, Whipworms, Hookworms, Tapeworms, Roundworms etc. These are just a few to name, however, there are a lot of other worms that affect dogs’ bodies.
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- Hookworms- Hookworms are intestinal parasites, they feed on the blood of the dog. This eventually leads to blood loss and further anaemia in the dog. These worms reproduce in the body of the dog which makes them even more dangerous.
- Roundworms- Roundworms are also intestinal parasites. They enter the intestines via mother’s milk or direct contact.
Most of the dogs don’t show any symptoms even if roundworms have attacked their body, however, some dogs, especially the ones younger in age get diarrhea, weight loss or dry hair.

- Whipworms- They affect the dog’s intestinal tract. Most of the dogs show no signs of infection by whipworms. However, the most evident sign is bloody diarrhea. These are usually diagnosed by routine fecal tests.
- Tapeworms- These are long and flat intestinal parasites. Again, there are no signs of illness when a dog is infected by tapeworms. However, you might observe your dog showing scotting behavior.
- Ringworms- This causes fungal skin disease in dogs. Recovery and treatment from Ringworms can be a painful and time-consuming process.
There are various kinds of worms that attack dogs’ bodies. However, Roundworm and Tapeworm infections are the most common ones in dogs.
How Do I Know If My Dog Has Worms?
You might be confused if your dog has worms or if he is irritated in general. This is a very common confusion that dog parents have. This is because dogs don’t get a lot of symptoms if they have worms. The symptoms are not seen in most dogs. Even if they are, they usually go unnoticed because of their mild natural. However, some of the symptoms that the dogs might show are as follows-

Sick Beagle lying in his bed showing the signs of low energy levels.
- Weight Loss
- Dry Hair
- Vomiting
- Energy Levels Drop
- Change in Appetite
- Pneumonia
- Visible Worms
- Blockage in Intestine
- Diarrhea
- Rubbing Bottoms
These are a few symptoms that you MIGHT observe in your dog.
However, these symptoms aren’t a 100% indication of worms in the dog’s body, these might be an indication of the same. So, if you observe such symptoms in your dog, you should prefer taking it to a veterinarian. So, a proper check-up can be carried out. Don’t panic at such a point! It could be something not to worry about at all too.
Have You Ever Imagined How Puppies Get These Worms?
Puppies are the very first ones to get infected as their immunity power is very low. Puppies get infected by:
- Breast milk
- Womb (inborn puppies)
- Placenta (during birth)
- During nursing
If your puppy is having the above mentioned issue then to deworm it, you need to give them liquid medication. You need to grind the deworming ingredients and mix them with their milk and water as they are small babies and would not be able to eat solid food.
The Natural Remedies ways of deworming can healthily help your pet to recover. It cleanses the liver by removing the toxins which were left behind by the worms. Puppies are at high risk due to these worms. So, applying natural ways is safe for them.
Some of the Natural ways of deworming are as follows:
- Pumpkin Seeds

These are extremely effective because they contain amino acids and cucurbitacin. With the help of these Natural Remedies chemicals, the worms get paralyzed and easily eliminated from the intestine. Pumpkin can be fed whole or we can grind into a fine powder and add it to dogs’ food. You can also add a tablespoon of RAW pumpkin seeds per 10lbs of body weight twice a day. When a dog has a tapeworm infection pumpkin seeds are a very good source for their recovery.
2. Carrots

These vegetables are a good source of vitamin a and can also help in getting rid of worms for our dog mates. One can add the boiled ‘n’ mashed carrots or chopped carrots in dog food.
It helps to scrape the walls of the stomach and gut as they get digested by removing the mucus and any parasites that are present in their stomach. Making your dog eat carrots including meals also boost the immune system and are a fabulous source of nutrition for your pet.
3. Coconut

Eating dry coconut is a vermifuge which means that it helps in eliminating worms from the body. By sprinkling on food coma gives one teaspoon for small dogs and 2 tablespoons for medium dogs and one tablespoon for large breeds. When you feed coconut oil regularly it can also read your pet from internal parasites as well as it has many other health benefits.
4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Can you ever think these fermented apples can help your pet to deworm itself? The main reason for the working of Apple Cider vinegar is that unlike the other vinegar it increases the alkaline levels in the dog’s intestines this helps in deworming or making the dog’s intestine inhospitable for parasites.
By adding 1/4-1 tablespoon of raw apple cider to your four-legged friend’s water every day, you would notice a quick improvement in your dog’s health.
5. Turmeric

From earlier days turmeric has been known for its anti-fungal anti-infective and anti-bacterial properties. It helps in boosting immunity and keeping the immune system strong. It has four compounds that help in repairing the damaged function inside the stomach of the pet and resulting in a healthy gut.
Due to the presence of curcumin in turmeric,it can be a little hard for pets to absorb if given along. So, it is suggested to combine it with a healthy oil like coconut oil to create a fine paste and feed your pets.
You can add a little bit of turmeric powder to their milk or water. This will keep their digestive system well and kill any kind of worms or infections.
6. Chamomile

This is renowned for its soothing property which helps with any bloating, or inflammation caused by the parasites. As it helps in getting rid of the roundworms and web forms it also works best when given as an infusion which can be relatively bought cheaply online or from any health food store.
The recommended dose is 0.25ml-0.5ml per 20 lbs as per dog’s weight and it should be repeated twice a day for 2 weeks
7. Cloves

Adding the crushed cloves to your pet’s food once or twice a week is like a natural remedies dewormer. And if the problem is not solved you can repeat this for the second week also but make sure you do not overdo it.
Because it can lead to more health issues. In that case, visit a vet. Cloves are uterine stimulants and clear the worms in the intestine. Do not give this to your dog during pregnancy.
8. Papaya

Seeds of papaya have anti a big property which helps in killing the worms of the intestine and clearing the digestive system. Papaya has the enzyme papain which helps remove the intestinal worms. Feeding papaya seed or papaya can deworm and help them stay fit and fine.
There are other fruits and vegetables like beetroot, banana and apples which are high in fiber and act as a natural dewormer. Adding these to your dog’s diet helps them stay extremely fine. Raw beetroot is not digested easily by dogs so always give them mashed or shredded beetroots.
Dogsee Chew India is 100 percent natural and can help in keeping your pet away from worms. So, feeding it regularly can help in the digestion of food, deworm your pet, and also helps in maintaining their health.
Fermented food also helps in keeping your dog’s health strong.
9. Neem

Like turmeric, neem also has all the medicinal properties. You can take some neem leaves, grind it off and mix the powder with your pet’s milk or water. This can help in the detoxification of their digestive system and keep worms away by deworming them.
10. Ajwain also known as Carom seeds

Yes, you heard it right Ajwain can also help in deworming your pet. Ajwain which is also known as carom seeds is high in antioxidants. Mixing it daily in your pet’s food will show very great results.
11. Black Seed or Black Seed oil.

This oil is acquired from black cumin oil. This oil works against all the infections that are present in your pet’s intestine. It is a very good source of deworming your pet. It is advisable to use half or one teaspoon of the black seed, sprinkled in your dog’s food once a day. They helps in the reduction of female worms to produce eggs and gradually the worms are affected.
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Treating your pets deworming naturally is good but you should always take your pets to their doctors every month or two. We know that our pets are our family and we should treat them like one of us. Pets are precious so their food habits, stay habits and hygiene is our responsibility. One can get pets easily but the very important task is to keep them away from all illnesses.
Do You Know How Dogs Get Worms?
There are many intestinal worms that spread their eggs via the host’s stool. If your pet has some poop from other dogs, cats, and wild animals, they could easily get infected. And whenever dogs or other animals use the washroom, worm eggs can be left behind in the soil.
If those worms come in contact with your pets through the soil after they poop, then also your pet is at high risk. It can happen anytime, anywhere.
Even mosquito bites are also very infectious. If your pet comes in contact with other infected dogs or pets then also there is a high chance of getting worms.
- From Wildlife

Your pet can pick these types of worms by ingesting a smaller animal like a mouse that is already infected. Your pet didn’t need to be a natural hunter. They might come across dead animals while walking or trying to pick anything from their mouth.
These worms can be present anywhere so it’s better whenever you take your dogs out for a walk make sure to give them turmeric water or milk.
2. From Mother
Puppies can get in contact with these worms directly from their mother’s womb or from the milk they drink while nursing.
To control this parasite, control is very important for your pregnant pets.
3. From Fleas

Worms like tapeworms have a complicated life cycle. Tapeworms live part of life in one type of flea and another part in big animals. So if an infected flea bites your dog and the dog licks that itchy area, it might unknowingly swallow the flea. In this method, these worms get transmitted.
Although these worms cannot be transmitted directly from dogs. But if fleas are around there is a risk of contracting worms too.
In addition to deworming by natural methods or medications, there are some habits to prevent worm infection.
When your pet goes to the washroom, immediately pick up and throw its poop. This decreases the risk of the eggs of ringworms getting collected in the yards.

Avoid dirty areas, choose fields and parks which are cleaned and well maintained. Look for clean places to decrease risk.
Practice good hygiene methods and also let the methods be known to your children. These habits include washing hands before eating mostly after playing in sand or soil or after handling pets.
Keeping up regular pet care includes stool checks and parasites prevention. This is especially important for the puppies who are working through their vaccine checklists and building their immune system. Getting worms in puppies is very common and can easily make your pets ill, even it can lead to death, so try to stay on time with vaccines and puppy deworming.
In short methods of infection are:
- Soil
- Water
- Feces or vomit
- Mother’s milk, placenta or saliva
- Flea or mosquito bites
- Dogs
- Wildlife, including earthworms, crayfish, birds, reptiles, and rodents
Can Worms in Dogs Cause Harm to Pet Parents?
There are certain types of worms like roundworms which are extremely dangerous for human beings. These are more severe for children or people young in age. So, it is advised to keep yourself and your kids a little distant from dogs who have symptoms of worms in their bodies. It may or may not infect you, but there is a fair chance, so it is good to take precautions.
How Can I Prevent Worms in My Pet?

You can take a lot of preventive measures to reduce the chances of your pet getting infected by worms. However no prevention can guarantee no worm, it is always good to take necessary precautions.
- Initial treatments to dogs at 3 weeks of age
- Monthly worm prevention medicine
- Frequent Fecal Examinations (three to four examinations per year should suffice)
- Clean out the excreta by the dogs in your backyard often (thrice a week)
- If the dog excretes in public places like parks and playgrounds, try to dispose of the feces immediately using sanitary gloves.
- Keep the dog’s living environment clean and hygienic.
- When in public, avoid the dog’s contact with potentially contaminated creatures/dogs/animals/humans.
Deworming is a very common problem in dogs and it is curable. So, if you are a pet parent who is concerned about this, don’t worry at all! Take proper precautions and if your dog still gets worms (it is okay), try these natural remedies. These usually work.
However, if they still don’t, do take your pet to the doctor before things get serious. Don’t try to give doses of random medicines to the pet, they might cause a lot of side effects and in fact, harm to the body of the pet.
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We hope this blog helped you out!
Happy Pet Parenting!!