Hair Maintenance Tips For Long Coat Dogs

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Golden Retrievers are not only known for their breezy soft fur but there are also more things they represent than just what covers their skin. In this blog, we inform you about Hair Maintenance Tips For Long Coat Dogs.

Long coat dogs are exceptionally smart, loyal and relational. They express affability to their owners and people they are familiar with.

However, maintaining a dog of this kind can be demanding, you will need to engage in some tiring cleaning and brushing exercise to keep the dog looking cool and healthy. Thankfully, we have curated tips that will guide you through the process of looking after your little pup without hassles.

These tips will help make the grooming process easy and enjoyable, it will surely reward you with an amazing bonding experience between you and your canine friend. Just before we delve into these easy dog care tips, there’s a need for us to clarify certain terms.

Sleeping dog

The most troubling issue with raising these golden retriever dogs is that they never stop shedding! In this article, you will be learning why these cuties shed their fur. This information will arm you with the knowledge of how to manage this situation.

Why Do Golden Retrievers Shed

Wondering why golden retrievers shed? Well, the answer is simple, “They are mammals!” And all mammals shed every once in a while.

Shedding in golden retrieving dogs is almost inevitable, and it is completely normal. Pet owners already understand this, it is not out of place for a golden retriever to shed all year long.

They shed less in winter/summer and liberally in spring/fall. This can be particularly stressful for the parents of these dogs, but it can be controlled.

Wondering why golden retrievers shed? Well, the answer is simple, “They are mammals!” And all mammals shed every once in a while.

Shedding in golden retrieving dogs is almost inevitable, and it is completely normal. Pet owners already understand this, it is not out of place for a golden retriever to shed all year long.

They shed less in winter/summer and liberally in spring/fall. This can be particularly stressful for the parents of these dogs, but it can be controlled.

Dog on Beach Side

Golden Retriever Care Tips

Since this breed accommodates plenty of fur in their body, it is very necessary to take them through a grooming procedure, to stop the existence of parasites on their body. When such fuzzy dogs are left unkempt, parasites begin to build their nest inside their body. Well, here are some dog care tips you can learn from Pet Groomer Training that can be helpful.


You probably must have wondered, “What does feeding have to do with caring for a dog’s hair?” … A lot! If u must know!

As humans, we are taught to take a good quality meal before applying any beauty skin product, to get the shiny and glowing skin result we desire. Observing a good diet plan has always been the first step to every healthy living journey. Do you know why? Because it helps to achieve a more natural and inside-out glow.

If you find yourself admiring beautiful smooth shiny coats of dogs that flounce as they run, also understands that it takes hard work to achieve such a look. Just before you start your product application spree, realize that the best way to provide your dog’s long coat with some of what it needs to be shiny is to feed it with a high-quality meal. Ensure you are feeding your dog with the right proportion of diet their body needs. Your vet should assess your dog and its size to know the best diet formulae to recommend.

Based on statistics, an average golden retriever dog requires a minimum of 1500 calories per day. These tips will help you get along with managing the hair of your long coat friend.

Tip #1

Place your dog on a perfect diet plan. Too little food makes for a dull, dry coat that causes excessive shedding, while too much food (particularly of the wrong diet) can lead to an excessively oily and dull coat.

Brush At Least Once A Week.

Whether the dog is a puppy or an adult, stroking is a way they understand attention, brushing your dog’s hair does not only give you a chance to lavish your love and attention on the dog, but it helps you to control the amount of fur your golden (dog) sheds in your house, thereby making it easily disposable. Brushing also helps you discover tangled fur on the dog’s body and gives you a chance to fix them.

Tip #2

Brush your dog from head to toe at least once a week paying close attention to every area, especially on areas where the fur is thick and tangled.

Tip #3

Use a sharp pair of scissors to cut off furs that are too tangled to brush out. Here you have to be mindful, not to cut your dog in the process. While brushing, apply gentleness, and avoid excess pulling so the dog doesn’t get hurt.

Regular Warm Baths

Bathing your dog is another way to control shedding, as you scrub the soapy fur with your finger, it is easy for furs that need to be pulled out to get washed out. The regularity of the baths depends on the discretion of the dog’s owner, as some owners prefer to bathe their dogs when they begin to appear dirty, while others like to bathe occasionally, maybe once in two months or so. However, avoid bathing your pup too frequently as this may wash essential oils off your puppy’s fur and can lead to shedding.

Tip #4

Never bathe your dog using human shampoo! There are a lot of dog shampoos out there you can make use of, ensure it’s not an inferior quality dog shampoo. A quality dog shampoo performs the magic, it gives your dog that perfect shine and glows that attract attention, click here to find out the right Shampoo for your dog.

Tip #5

To achieve that refreshed look, bathe your dog with warm water, apply the dog shampoo, lather all over its body, gently work your fingertips to and fro your dog’s fur, and make sure you don’t scratch its skin with your nails. Rinse thoroughly after bathing, and remember to keep the heat low during blow-drying.

Also See: Does your Dog have Gluten Allergy? Here’s what you can feed your Dog!

Dog in a beach


The double coat nature of these dogs is there to keep them comfortable and at ease, they also regulated their temperature all through different seasons. Trimming the entire coat could distort the natural heating and cooling system of the pup. In this regard, we recommend the use of a pair of scissors and a pair of thinning shears. With these tools, you can achieve perfect trimming for the puppy.

Tip #6

Resist the temptation of using a clipper, as this might cut their hairs too low and this is exactly what we are trying to avoid.


Some arguments support the idea of grooming dogs before bathing them, although some people feel that bathing before grooming works better. Now, none of these is wrong, simply do what works for you. If your buddy is really dirty and unkempt, then go for the bathing before grooming style. Otherwise, if it has recently been bathed you don’t need to do that anymore, just go right ahead and trim.

Some arguments support the idea of grooming dogs before bathing them, although some people feel that bathing before grooming works better. Now, none of these is wrong, simply do what works for you. If your buddy is really dirty and unkempt, then go for the bathing before grooming style. Otherwise, if it has recently been bathed you don’t need to do that anymore, just go right ahead and trim.

Thinking of where to get started with the grooming? Start at your dog’s feet, trim the fur around the bottom, and work your way in between the toes. Comb and trim as you go, notice any cracked pads and gently apply some Vaseline.

Next, work your way up the legs, comb up the fur and trim. Especially for the unkempt and frizzy fur option, channel your attention to the chest and neck region, trim the chest fur until the fur lays flat on his chest.

Do the same for every part of the body, ensure they are all aligned. Click here if you care to learn more about how to care for your dog.

Also See: Is CBD oil Good for My Dog?

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