Consider looking at your dog’s poop and discovering blood. You’re likely to become concerned and wonder if your cherished canine companion is in discomfort. If your dog starts pooping blood, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. However, it isn’t necessarily a life-threatening circumstance. Please look closely at the blood in your dog’s excrement to find out what to do next, as disgusting as it may appear.
What Does the Color of Blood in Dog Poop Tell You?
Knowing how to describe your dog’s bloody faeces will save you and your doctor time. Hematochezia and melena are the two kinds of blood you might see in the case of your dog pooping blood.
Hematochezia is a kind of blood that is brilliant red in colour. Bleeding in the lower digestive system or colon implies a specific group of disorders.
Melena is black, sticky, tarry faeces that resemble jelly. This blood has been eaten or ingested, suggesting an upper digestive system condition. If your dog’s faeces is crimson in colour, you may examine if it includes this type of blood by wiping it on a paper towel.
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- Pooping Blood in Dogs: What Causes It?
The cause of your dog’s pooping blood will determine the reason behind it. Consider the following scenario:
- Infection
Infectious pathogens such as parvovirus, coronavirus, bacterial infections (Clostridium and Salmonella), protozoal agents such as coccidiosis, and intestinal parasites like hookworms and whipworms can all cause blood in your dog’s faeces.
- Allergies and Intolerance to Food
Inflammation in your dog’s lower colon and blood in their faeces might develop as a result of eating food that is no longer good, overeating, swallowing an inedible item, an abrupt change in diet, or eating human food. An allergy might cause colitis and blood in your dog’s stool to a protein in a particular meal.
. Trauma
Blood in your dog’s stool can be caused by a bite wound to his anal area, a pelvic fracture that interrupts the colon or rectum, a sharp item consumed and passed, or an instrument or material being inserted in his rectum.
- Disorders of Bleeding
If your dog has a bleeding issue, the lining of his lower colon may bleed. Thrombocytopenia, or a reduction in your dog’s platelet count, genetic clotting diseases including hemophilia and abnormal platelet function difficulties, and disseminated intravascular coagulation are all examples of bleeding disorders.
- Infection of the Anal Sac

Anal glands in dogs must be expressed on a regular basis. Many dogs accomplish this naturally, while some require a veterinarian or groomer’s assistance. If your dog’s anal glands aren’t expressed regularly enough, an infection might develop, resulting in bright red blood on the outside of his faeces.
- Parvovirus
Parvovirus is more contagious among puppies, but it may infect any dog that has not been vaccinated. Bloody diarrhoea and vomiting, as well as tiredness and dehydration, are common symptoms of parvovirus. This sickness kills a lot of puppies.
- Anal Sacculitis
An inflammation or abscess of the anal sacs can cause the fluid in the anal sacs to change consistency and turn into a bloody liquid. As your dog defecates, this liquid might cover its faeces.
- Perianal Fistula
The skin around your dog’s anus has ulcers that may be seen. Blood may be found in the stool if the ulcerations are connected to the anus.
What Should You Do If Your Dog Poops Blood?

Dog pooping blood can be concerning, and you should schedule an appointment with your veterinarian to have him inspected to figure out what’s causing it.
When your veterinarian examines your dog, they will most likely question you about any additional symptoms you’ve seen. The following are signs that your dog is pooping blood:
- During a bowel movement, he had to strain.
- Having a lot more bowel motions than normal.
- Drinking and urinating excessively
- Vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Appetite Lessness
- Loss of weight
Determining Whether Bloody Diarrhea Is an Emergency?

If your dog’s faeces is a regular inconsistency, but you see a little quantity of blood only once, make a mental note of it and keep a careful eye on him.
If your dog pooping blood is consistent or displays indications of illness, such as lethargy, vomiting, or diarrhoea, contact your veterinarian.
An emergency is defined by a set of events. If you detect any of the following, take your dog to the nearest open veterinary facility:
- The anus has caused a lot of bleeding.
- Extreme sluggishness
- Consciousness loss or collapse
- Gums that are pale or white
- Toxin exposure is a possibility.
- Blood or black material like coffee grounds in the vomit
How to Stop Dog Pooping Blood?

Some illnesses are unavoidable, but early discovery might help your dog receive treatment before the symptoms become severe. Examine your dog’s faeces to see if any irregular stool develops.
If your dog is suffering from vomiting, diarrhoea, or any other unusual symptoms, contact your veterinarian right once.
Some instances are preventable, such as when dogs become ill after eating something they shouldn’t. Hazardous materials, such as human meals, rubbish, caustic chemicals, and small pieces that might be eaten, should be kept out of reach. Keep a tight eye on your dog to avoid chemicals, animals, and other risks when your dog is outside.