Most canines are ravenous eaters with solid cravings. They’ll regularly eat up anything you put before them decisively. So, there are times when your canine’s hunger can plunge, making them not eat. In this blog, we inform you that What To Do If Your Dog Is Not Eating Food.
This conduct can be disturbing for dog parents that are accustomed to seeing their little partners chow down on their kibble consistently. Likewise alluded to as inappetence, a low craving shouldn’t be taken lightly. Without apt nourishment, your dog is likely to confront various issues.
Now the big question is what do you do when your dog won’t eat his food?
Let’s take a look at what to do when your dog won’t eat his food.
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1. Take away the meal if your dog refuses to eat

Alright, so while this technique may appear to be mean, numerous parents of fastidious eaters depend on its prosperity. It begins by offering your dog his food for supper as you ordinarily would.
During this time, leave the room and don’t interface with your little guy. In the event that your canine follows you, overlook him.
On the off chance that your furry little friend has not eaten his meal within the 15 minutes of it being served, remove his food. it’s now time to wait until the next morning to offer your dog his next meal i.e his breakfast.
Ensure it’s not the same food that you tried giving him last night which means don’t offer kibble that was left passing on for the time being.
If your canine has not eaten his dinner within 15 minutes, remove it.
When supper time moves around, your canine will have gone an entire day without eating. At this point, your dog will get very eager and understand that he isn’t getting anything else.
Your little friend now will be left with no choice but to eat his meals. This strategy works on the grounds that no healthy dog will starve himself. Your little guy will happily eat a feast that he despises if there is no other option – it beats a protesting stomach!
Also, do not get stressed about your little buddy going hungry. By and large, most dogs can go a couple of days without eating. So, he is going to be just fine.
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2. Walk Your Dog Before his meal

It’s a well-known fact that working out is an incredible method to develop a craving. I am not sure about you, but I’m always starving when I complete my morning run.
In any case, what may astonish you is that you can utilize exercise to get your dog to eat his food. Exercise makes canines hungry. Also, as you may have speculated, a hungry canine is definitely not a fastidious one.
Probably the most effortless approach to exercise your little friend is to take a pleasant long walk – Walking is beneficial for you as well!
In the event that you as of now walk your dog, take a stab at increasing the distance. You may see the best results if you walk your dog for 30-45 minutes, right before his meal.
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3. Make Sure You are Not Overfeeding

A bit of cheddar here, a couple of an excessive number of treats there, often seems harmless.
If you give out treats and snacks, and your canine isn’t eager at supper time, you might be indulging your canine, bringing about lost hunger. On the other hand, you may incidentally be preparing your canine to wait for treats as opposed to eating their standard suppers.
In the event that you notice your canine is putting on weight, at that point this is generally a pointer that they are being overloaded. You need to ensure a healthy balance between treats and supper. Make a schedule for when to give your dog a treat and when not to, strictly avoid any treats for a few hours before serving his meal.
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4. Skip The Bowl
Do you have a fastidious little dog? If yes, then it’s time to use his energetic nature to get him to eat his food.
Sit by your doggy and sprinkle dried canine food on the ground, a little at a time. As your little dog eats a piece, add another further away.
Since your lively little guy thinks this is a game, he will be bound to take to his food.
It might take some time, yet once he has a preference for his food, you can progress to a bowl.
This technique can be somewhat chaotic, so it’s ideal to do it outside. On the off chance that you need to take care of it inside your house, snatch a decent brush and clear up after supper time is finished – there isn’t anything more awful than feeling bits of kibble crunch underfoot.
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6. Time To Visit Your Vet

Has your canine out of nowhere begun dismissing his food or become a fussy eater? The issue could be clinical.
There are numerous clinical issues that can prompt lost hunger or stop your canine from eating by and large.
The absolute most normal ailments that lead to scarce eating include:
- Gulped something they shouldn’t
- Dental sickness
- Sensitivities
- Parasites
- Gastrointestinal issues
- Joint inflammation or spine issues
- Immunization results
On the off chance that your canine isn’t eating while at the same time getting more fit or his jacket is looking unkempt, you should visit your vet ASAP.
Tragically, numerous dog parents erroneously associate their dog getting in shape with them declining to eat.
A solid canine won’t starve himself, regardless of how particular he might be. Except if your canine is on a careful nutritional plan, shedding pounds is probably going to be a clinical issue that necessities tending to.
Goodness, and as usual, any change or expansion to your little buddy’s eating regimen ought to be examined with your vet prior to continuing!