Some Common Dog Behaviour Problems and Solutions

Some Common Dog Behaviour Problems and Solutions

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Dog Behaviour concerns are frequently misunderstood or neglected by dog owners. Maybe you’re new to dog ownership, thinking about getting a dog, or just want to help your dog with a challenging condition. The first step in managing and preventing common dog Behaviour concerns is to understand them. Many of these issues may be prevented or managed with a stronger base based on obedience training. Let us look at some common dog Behaviour problems.

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1. Digging

Digging | Dog Behaviour

Dogs have an insatiable need to dig. You must stop them while they are digging, not after they have completed their work. Provide them with a sandbox in which to play.

Pile on the praises; it will show them that they can spend all day digging in that location. Digging is an instinctual Behaviour for many dogs that dates back to the days of their wild ancestors. 

2. Barking

Barking | Dog Behaviour Problems

Barking is not a harmful habit in dogs; but it is seen as one of the most common dog Behaviour problems that they start barking on a regular basis for no apparent cause, this becomes a severe issue.

Again, the most effective method is obedience training and the development of new behaviors in your dog.

3. Excessive Chewing

Excessive Chewing Dog Behaviour

Chewing is a necessary Behaviour for most dogs but excessive chewing is a problem that can quickly escalate into a Behaviour problem if your dog causes damage.

They may consume something more like a sock, which could cause an obstruction in their intestines. If you catch them in the act, immediately act upon it to teach them that it is wrong and instead give them a  safe toy, and reward them when they’re done.

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4. Separation Anxiety

Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is a disease that most dogs are prone to. Start training them for that from the very initial stages.

Start by leaving them for as short a duration as five minutes and come back to check up on them very calmly so that they realize that it is okay to stay alone. Separation anxiety, if not looked after in the early stages, might lead up to something much more severe like depression or more aggressive behavior.

5. Pulling on the Leash

Pulling on the Leash

Put a stop to this activity as soon as you notice it as they might start doing it frequently otherwise. Dogs pull to get where they are going. Dogs want to engage with the environment, and humans, to a dog, can be slow.

Wearing a leash and being tethered to a human is not a “natural” Behaviour for dogs.

6. Jumping

Jumping | Dog Behaviour

Jumping might be their way of showing excitement but not everyone wants to be greeted that way. You can correct such Behaviour if you do not pay attention in the initial stages.

Does your dog jump on you as if they’ve got springs on their feet? Like it or not, we humans are to blame. We not only permit this behavior, but we also encourage it, and we know we shouldn’t encourage jumping, but a fuzzy puppy is just too cute to resist. We forget that cute Behaviour in a puppy can become a real nuisance when they grow up.

7. Biting

Bitting | Dog Behaviour

Biting shows that your dog is constantly scared of its surroundings. The best way to help them get over it is by slowly introducing them to newer settings so that they eventually get comfortable with the idea.

Adult dogs who mouth people probably never learned not to do so during puppyhood. It’s likely that their human parents didn’t teach them how to be gentle or to chew toys instead.

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