Dogs come in different shapes and sizes. Their temperaments are also equally different from one another. Great Danes are often feared for their huge size and indomitable presence. However, what many do not know is that Great Danes are some of the most gentle and loving dog breeds to have ever existed.
Freddy is certainly the role model for the Great Dane breed. An especially famous dog with a Wikipedia page of his own, Freddy has been in the limelight since the beginning of 2016 when he set the world record for being the tallest dog alive.
At a massive height of 1.035 meters, Freddy is a staggering 7 foot plus giant when he stands on his hind limbs. Owned by Claire Stoneman, Freddy resides with his sister FLuer at Leigh on Sea, Essex, United Kingdom.

Image by Matthew Horwood
You can know more about Freddie the Giant Great Dane here.
His easy-going nature and patience with the people around have made him a media favorite for a long time. In fact, Freddy is used to media attention and is quite undisturbed by all the video and cameras around.
Claire could not believe when she heard the news that Freddy has one more achievement pegged to his winning hat. At an age of 8 yrs one month he is currently the oldest living Great Dane on the planet.
Surprisingly Freddy’s sister Fleur is also on the list for being the second oldest living Great Dane in the world as she is only a few minutes younger than him. Clair said in an interview that it is still unbelievable to her that Freddy has grown to such a massive size. In fact, surprisingly enough Freddy was born the smallest of the litter and was never a healthy puppy.

Claire truly believes that the secret of Freddy’s long and healthy life is the immense importance Clair gives to his daily dietary requirements and physical exercises. Zeus the previous owner of the crown for being the tallest dog and the oldest Great Dane had lived for 6 yrs before passing away.