Dog fetches drinks

Watch Video: Clever Dog Fetches drinks to her owner with just a simple hint.

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A Dog that fetches drinks to her owner. Unbelievable? Meet the Labrador Bear; she might be one of the cleverest dogs ever known to you. Bear fetches items on command for her owner. One afternoon, her owner said, “it’s Gin o’Clock,” and that was enough for intelligent Bear to go and get the cocktail for her owner. 

Bear’s owner Janice Cousins, a resident of Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, was busy painting in her garden and wanted to take a refreshment for a small break.

It’s Gin o’clock

The Hilarious video shows the 64-year-old looks at her black lab. She says, ‘It’s now Gin o’clock.’ Wise faithful Bear understands in an instant and rushes off into the house to get it for her. 

Janice jokingly says, ‘it’s scary’ as her dog Bear seems to know what gin means. Just after a few seconds, the 8-year-old pooch returns with a can of gin and tonic held firmly in his mouth.

Janice, a retired post lady, says that Bear usually needs to hear his name along with the item command. He does not go and fetch the thing until he hears his word. 

But this time, Bear quickly understood just from the phrase “Gin o’clock” and trotted to grab her a can. Janice says it was pretty unique and helpful. 

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Bear, Fetch!

Bear fetches items regularly for Janice like beer, cider, and even a bottle of wine. He’s a good boy who only wants biscuits in return. He’s happy helping Janice out in return for a few treats. 

Janice trained Bear with the gun dog training methods, and once Bear is shown and familiarised with the object, he can retrieve that object for her on command. 

Bear is a bright dog. Even if there are ten different objects in one place and Janice points to one specific one, Bear will get it for her. 

This particular time Janice was outside the house, working in the garden, and wanted to test her pooch’s skills away from home. Bear performed exceptionally well, and Janice got to enjoy that drink, especially as she didn’t have to get it herself.

Janice and her husband Dave Cousins, a 67-year-old retired engineer, own another dog named Benson, a chocolate Labrador. 

Bear’s Training

Bear has been getting training since he was a naughty young pup. The training results proved extremely useful for Janice, who had to undergo double hip replacement surgery.

She says that she could not bend after the surgery and had to use a grabber to pick stuff up. She then trained Bear. At first, Bear was only taught to fetch his feeding bowl so that Janice could feed him. It was beneficial for Janice, and she furthered Bear’s training. Bear has now turned out to be a great help for her.

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