Pretzel, the 14-month old diabetic alert dog, is said to have changed the life of young Julia Duprey. Julia got Pretzel after a two year waiting process through a company called CARES.
Julia Duprey was diagnosed with Type-I diabetes at the age of six in 2004. It created a lot of difficulties in her and her parents’ life. Julia had unstable blood sugar levels and would experience fluctuations many times in a day. It sometimes led to a threat to life.
After she found out about the diabetic alert dogs, she started the process of getting one for herself. Diabetic alert dogs are trained for detecting the level of blood sugar in a human’s body. They detect this by a human’s breath and palm odors. If the odor is sweet, the sugar level is high. If it is sweaty, levels are low.
Julia says that her life changed after getting Pretzel. Pretzel is not only her four-legged always present dog, she is her best friend. They sleep together and play all the time. Earlier Julia used to check her blood sugar levels through a leg device, Dexcom. The device was frequently wrong and led to a life threat.
Pretzel, according to Julia, is never wrong. She stares at Julia intently or barks at her in case she detects any anomaly. She stays with Julia when Julia goes through a difficult time.
Getting a diabetic alert dog is a very costly process. It costs around five to ten thousand dollars. Julia says she collected the complete money through the help of GoFundMe, a voluntary donation campaign.
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Julia was leading an abnormal life before. Her biological condition did not allow her to go anywhere she wished without being accompanied by someone. Her life was sad and boring. After getting Pretzel, Julia says that she could go anywhere, on trips or else. Pretzel stays with her in the dorms. Julia can go to college too now, accompanied by Pretzel, without the fear of negative consequences of decreasing levels and her staying uninformed.
Pretzel also does a check on demand. Julia just says ‘Pretzel, check’ and Pretzel does a blood sugar level check. Pretzel says she is beyond happy on having to get Pretzel. She can’t remember the older difficult days and only anticipates her beautiful future.
Her parents and her whole family are very happy to have Pretzel and Pretzel is returning all the love with her service and affection.
Diabetic Alert Dogs are making lives easy for many people in the world. If you want to observe how life is with a Diabetic Alert Dog, check out the Instagram or Facebook of Pretzel or Julia.
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