Being a dog parent is one of the most satisfying things a human being can experience. In this article, we provide the top 10 longest Dog’s Lifespan.
These little creatures are God’s greatest gift. They offer unconditional love and a bond for life.
Though one can not deny the fact that a dog’s lifespan is less than that of humans, it is still hurtful as you live a good part of your life with them and the rest with their memory.
A dog’s lifespan is something that brings most dog parents to tears.
Death is Inevitable
That is what we all know. It is just a matter of what creature we are talking about.
Our life spans differ. Before taking this huge decision of becoming a dog parent, most of the time people want to know what will be the lifespan of their dog.
However, the answer depends on multiple things like size, genetics, & health. Only life span can not predict accurately.
Here are the lifespans of the 10 longest living dog breeds that might be helpful while you go out looking for a pet.
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1. Chihuahua

Famous for its long life span, this dog breed is also one of the smallest.
There are numerous pictures of film stars carrying them in their handbags, this is how small they are. Having said that, they are full of sass but fun and cute at the same time.
They have a habit of marking their territory which makes their cohabitation with little children somewhat difficult.
Considering how small they are, they do not require too much exercise. They are however prone to heart and eye problems.
With proper care and attention, Chihuahuas can live up to 20 years which is very high when a dog’s lifespan is concerned.
- Height- 15-25 cm.
- Weight- 5-15 kg.
- Exercise Requirement- Low.
- Temperament- Sassy, clever, devoted.
- Life expectancy- 14-20 years.
2. Lhasa Apso

Lhasa Apso is a long-haired, bold and goofy dog. They can be stubborn sometimes but worry not, they are easy to deal with. It is said that during ancient times and they used to watch the Buddhist temples.
They are amazing when it comes to alerting in case of any threat. They are extremely loyal and loving towards their parents.
Lhasa Apso loves good companionship and offers the same.
However, they are prone to suffer from skin diseases, but a good diet and regular checkups decrease the probability of that.
- Height- 25-28 cm
- Weight-4-9 kg
- Exercise Requirement- Moderate.
- Temperament- Stubborn, loyal, protective.
- Life expectancy- 18-20 years.
3. Dachshund

Dachshunds commonly live for more than 15 years. It is not rare to find a dachshund who is older than 15 years.
There is even a Guinness book record for a dachshund who is known as the longest-lived dachshund. She was named Chanel and she lived for 21 years.
Dachshunds are sometimes stubborn but loyal and brave. They are little dogs who are very loud when it comes to barking and extremely energetic.
They are prone to back problems and obesity.
- Height- 13-23 cm.
- Weight- Up to 14 kg.
- Exercise Requirement- Moderate.
- Temperament- Energetic, loud, brave.
- Life expectancy- 15-21 years.
4. Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkies have a strong personality which makes them one of the favorite breeds to pet.
They are friendly, cute, and appreciate attention all the time. Yorkies are very curious and full of life.
They are great as watchdogs. But prone to stomach and digestion issues. Please ensure that you are feeding them a high-quality and well-balanced nutritious diet.
This along with a healthy lifestyle ensures the longevity of their lives.
On average, they live somewhere between 16 and 20 years.
- Height- 20-23 cm.
- Weight- 2-3.5 kg.
- Exercise Requirement- Moderate.
- Temperament- Attention seeking, curious, lively.
- Life expectancy- 16-20 years.
5. Toy Poodle

Toy poodles are famous for their smart brains. They are easy to train and they can learn exceptionally fast.
If you happen to have allergies, toy poodles can be a perfect choice as they do not shed much.
They love to spend time with children. Though they are little cute babies, they require a good amount of exercise, both physical and mental.
Toy Poodles are prone to orthopedic issues and eye problems.
- Height- 24-28cm.
- Weight- 7-8 kg.
- Exercise needs- High.
- Temperament- Smart, intelligent, fast learners.
- Life expectancy- 14-20 years.
6. Jack Russell Terrier

Do you remember ‘Milo’ in the movie – “The Mask”? Yeah! The dog who helped Stanley Ipkiss break the jail.
Jack Russell Terrier is another small dog breed that can live long.
Jack Russell Terrier has set a Guinness Book World Record for living the longest life. She was named Willie and died at the age of 20.
The primary purpose behind their breeding was work. To date, they retain that character and are perfect for that.
They have a strong desire to work and they love it when they have a job to do.
- Height- 33-36 cm.
- Weight- 6-7.5 kg.
- Exercise needs- Moderate.
- Temperament- Athletic, Fearless, workaholic.
- Life expectancy- 13-16 years.
7. Shih Tzu

Their name comes from China which translates to a lion. Shih Tzus used to be pets of the Chinese Royalty for centuries.
They are obedient and friendly. Though their name suggests otherwise, they are not as fierce as their name claims. They are easy to handle and easy to train.
This breed requires minimal exercise.
They have luscious locky hair which needs maintenance. Regular brushing and grooming are a prerequisite to them.
With age, they can develop vision issues. With a healthy diet and a good lifestyle, they can live up to 16 years.
- Height- 20-28 cm.
- Weight- 4-8 kg.
- Exercise needs- Low.
- Temperament- Obedient, Easy to train, Friendly.
- Life expectancy- up to 16 years.
8. Maltese

The origin of Maltese lies in the Mediterranean region. They are agile and playful.
Maltese love to spend time with their humans and they are full of affection and love.
Maltese are often used as therapy dogs because they are extremely gentle and caring but they can be fearless if the situation arrives.
They are super smart & are very accommodating with kids.
- Height- 20-25 cm.
- Weight- 3-4 kg.
- Exercise Needs- Moderate.
- Temperament- Gentle, full of love.
- Life expectancy-12-15 years.
9. Miniature Schnauzer

Miniature Schnauzers are extroverts who love to be around people.
They are great as pets and will follow you wherever you go. These dogs are packets of energy. They are intelligent and alert.
But, They are are prone to pancreatic diseases, mostly it is exacerbated by diets full of fats which make them obese.
If you are planning to bring a miniature schnauzer home, you need to feed them high-quality, well-balanced, and nutritious food.
- Height- 30-38 cm.
- Weight- 5-9 kg.
- Exercise needs- Moderate.
- Temperament- Extroverts, intelligent, alert.
- Life expectancy- 12-15 years.
10. Corgi

Corgis got fame as the British queen used to pet them. They are known as Queen’s breed many times.
Corgis are full of love and brains. They have a great intellect and they love using it.
Corgis are known to exist for more than 3000 years. They have a history of being cattle dogs. Their name translates to ‘dwarf’ as they are uniquely shaped and pretty short.
They share a good bond with kids and love to play with them.
Because of the unique shape that they have.
They are prone to hip and back diseases. So, you need to keep an eye on their style of walking and anything weird, this might be an indication of a back problem.
- Height- 26-32 cm.
- Weight- 14-18 kg.
- Exercise needs- Moderate.
- Temperament- Intellectual, lovely, playful.
- Life expectancy- 12-15 years.
Conclusion Of Dog’s Lifespan
As mentioned before, a dog’s lifespan, or that of all creatures is dependent upon a lot of things.
A healthy lifestyle along with a nutritious diet and exercise always helps elongate life. Whatever little time we have here with our little furry friends, let us make it joyful and lovely.
Your dogs do not expect anything except love and affection from you but can take a bullet for you.
Let us give them what they deserve – a home full of love, care, and compassion.
Also See:- Meet The Cutest Dog Breeds In The World 2021