A few years back, a piece of news took the world into a complete frenzy when a dying millionaire left his entire wealth in the name of his dog. Millions of dollars worth of property and colossal estate and the company were entirely in the hand of a four-legged cute furball. In this blog, we inform you about Buying An Insurance For Your Dog.
Why you should insure your pet
People called him mad and even advised psychiatric evaluation. However, his reasoning was straightforward. He did not want his dog to suffer after his death, so he wanted to ensure his well-being for the rest of his life.

To most, it may sound bizarre and a complete mental breakdown but for pet lovers across the world, this made them reevaluate his decision. Who would care for the dog after they pass? Or how would one handle expensive healthcare during an economic crisis without needing to euthanize or rehome the dog?
Since then, Pet insurance, especially dog insurance, has become a vital discussion-worthy necessity for dog owners worldwide. It is a very confusing and often disconcerting situation for dog owners to decide if their pet needs an insurance policy or not.
This article is a detailed analysis of the situation and a clear breakdown of various types of pet insurance for dogs like Dog Health Insurance and Dog Medical insurance and also an approximate dog insurance cost.
Before you browse through various Dog Insurance Companies and start filling out application forms, there are certain aspects that you need to think and asses about.

Do you need the policy?
Most of the Dog insurance policies for dogs revolve around a few specific situations like Vet and treatment expenses, advertisements and rewards in case of lost dogs and case of pet boarding if you need to leave the dog at home for a few days.
In case you have a microchip-fitted healthy dog that is not very expensive or needs any special care, the policies are more economically stress-worthy.
It all depends on the situation and your thoughts.
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What kind of a Dog Insurance policy is it that you should opt for?
Choosing an insurance policy for your dog should be based on six essential factors:
- Accident Cover Benefits – In case you want insurance cover only for Accident related situations
- The time limit for the policy – This is generally a 12-month policy that covers routine healthcare and vet fees.
- The number of benefits obtainable – In case of health issues that needs constant care for a specific period.
- Lifetime Tenure of the policy – A lifetime policy that covers a specific number of vet visits a year and particular ailment cover for the entire lifespan of the dog
- Extra coverage – Insurances that cover travel cost or pet boarding cost among a few more additional miscellaneous expenses.
- Wellness care – this includes insurance coverage for common health issues and requirements like Neutering, Deworming, Annual checkup, Routine blood, and Fecal tests, Urine analysis, Vaccination, Dental Checkup, and Flea and Tick Treatments.

Who can be covered under Dog Insurance Policies?
According to various Dog Insurance online research, several criteria have been prefixed based on which the insurance policies for dogs can or cannot be chosen.
- Crossbreeds, mixed breeds, endangered breeds and Indigenous breeds are all covered under the Dog Insurance Policy.
- The estimated Dog Insurance Cost should be evaluated by a certified and recognized veterinary specialist.
- The dog must have a Kennel Club Record, pedigree Certificate besides the document from the Vet.
- The dog must have a specific identifiable trait officially recorded. The characteristics include Tattooing, nose IMprint or recent most registered photograph.
- Dog Insurance generally covers 80% of the claim amount.

In case you want to get insurance for your new puppy, it is vital to know in detail about the Puppy insurance cost.
It is best to keep track of your puppy’s weight change from the very beginning to help in creating a better and more credible Insurance profile. You can easily keep track of your puppy’s weight throughout his growth.
The affordability of dog insurance also includes many additional expenses that are often hidden or excluded during the discussion. These extra deciding factors are:
- Need for extra health checkups and investigation beforehand and annually during payment of premium
- How long is the waiting period for the insurance to start
- Does the puppy’s medical insurance cover any pre-existing health conditions
- In case of death post-treatment, are you eligible for a payout
- Does the particular Dog Medical Policy cover recurring or chronic illness?
- Is there an option for co-pay?
- Are ailments occurring during travel included in the Dog Insurance policy?
Dog insurance policies are a matter of confusion only if all the points mentioned above are not studied carefully. The necessity of the insurance for your well-loved and cared for adorable four-legged fur ball depends on your analysis and observation.