10 Summer Care Tips For Pet Dogs And Cats

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Summer Care Tips for pets

Summer is that time of the year when the heat is at its peak. You need to consider how this weather change affects your furry babies, especially your dogs and cats. They need that little extra care during these hot summer months for their good health and well-being. When the temperature rises, pets will become susceptible to heat related issues like heat stroke, dehydration, and burnt paw pads.

Dogs have a limited capacity to tolerate the heat. We sweat through skin to release excess heat, but dogs can’t sweat, and they release heat only by panting or through their paw pads. Dehydration will be a common issue for pets during summer times. Some pets, especially with flat face and short snouts, like Pugs and Persian cats, find it difficult to pant properly and are usually susceptible to heat stroke.

Read through the blog to know how to care for your pets during summer.

What Are The Signs Of Overheating?

The symptoms of overheating are – 

  • Heavy panting

  • Dry or bright red gums

  • Diarrhoea

  • Thick saliva

  • Unsteady legs

If you find any of these symptoms of overheating, then take them to a cool place with enough shading, give them a lot of water to drink, cover them up with a damp towel, and contact your doctor as soon as possible. But never place your pet in cold water, as they may feel shocked.

Also Read: Tips to Ensure your Dog’s Comfort

Summer Care Tips for Your Dogs And Cats:

Mentioned below are some of the summer care tips for your dogs and cats.

#1, Provide Plenty Of Shade:

dog health care

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Plenty Of Shade

Make sure that your pet will have enough cool and shady places to avoid the sun and to relax. While dogs and cats needs sun-bathing, too much of exposing them to direct sunlight will result in overheating and causing heatstroke. Shade helps them to stay protected and comfortable from the heat and bright sun.

#2, Hydrate Them Well:

pet hydration care

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Hydrate Your pets well

Let your pet have easy access to fresh and clean drinking water constantly. Your dogs and cats may experience dehydration quickly during hot climates, so it is necessary to ensure your pet, especially dogs and cats, has plenty of drinking water available all the time. Provide various water facilities around your home or yard.

#3, Avoid Mid-Day Walks:

pet care in summer

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Mid Day Walks For Your Pets

Make it a routine to take your pets for a walk in the early mornings or late evenings when temperature is just right. The heat of the sun usually reach to its peak during afternoon, making it riskier for pets to go outside. Altering your walking routine will prevent overheating.

#4, Never Leave Your Pets In The Car:

dog in car

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Don’t Leave Your Pet Alone In The Car

Even if your car windows are left open, the temperature inside a car can increase rapidly, possibly causing overheating for your pets or even death. It is always right to take your pet along with you, even if it is for short work.

Read More : Dog Grooming Dryers

#5, Protect The Paws Of  Your Pets:

Usually, hot pavements (asphalt, metals, or artificial grass) will burn your dog’s paws. If the ground is too hot for you, your pet’s paws will also feel the heat. It is better to walk your pet on natural grass or dirt paths, or use protective booties if the pave walks are unavoidable.

#6, Maintain A Healthy Diet:

pets healthy diet

Image Source: Google Image

Healthy Diet For Pets

Avoid giving human foods such as barbecue scraps or any other foods that are harmful to your pets. Summer parties will have more tempting food available around, like chocolates, onions, and some fruits that are dangerous to your pets.

#7, Check The Humidity:

It is not only about the temperature, even the humidity will also affect your pets. High humidity will avoid your pets from cooling themselves effectively through panting, thereby increasing the risk of heatstroke.

#8, Keep Parasites Away:

Fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes are most common in Warm seasons as it is the breeding season for the parasites. It is better to check your pet’s fur for parasites, use protective methods, and keep your yard and surroundings clean to reduce the risk of infestation.

#9, Watch For Heat Stroke Signs:

Know the symptoms of overheating in your pets such as heat strokes, excessive panting, drooling, and increased heart-rate. If you find any or all of these symptoms of overheating in your pet, it is better to cool them down immediately and reach out to your vet as early as possible.

#10, Regular Vet Checkups:

Regular health check-up of your pets will help in preventing summer-related health issues. Your vet will provide personalized advice on heatstroke prevention, flea and tick prevention and other summer-related issues your pet may have.

Final Views:

Caring your pets in summer doesn’t have to be laborious work. By following the above mentioned simple tips, you can ensure that your pet stays healthy, safe and relaxed during hot summer days. Be sure to consult your vet in case of any specific health concerns related to your pet in the heat.

Beat the heat of the sun with the summer care tips.

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