The quiet hill station of Missouri is trending globally for the past week and a half. But this time the reason is not the spectacular and scenic panorama. Instead, it is a tiny little ten weeks old light brown colored puppy!
The quiet hill station of Missouri is trending globally for the past week and a half. But this time the reason is not the spectacular and scenic panorama. Instead, it is a tiny little ten weeks old light brown colored puppy!

Mac’s Mission has been rescuing and saving dogs for over a decade now. When Narwhal came into the rescue home, he was just like any other happy puppy showing off his love for all. What made him slightly different than others was his second tail.
Yes, Narwhal has a second tail, albeit the strange location of it. Located right in the middle of his forehead is a tiny tail that’s yet to start wagging. Safety being the major priority; Narwhal was taken in for further examination on arrival. However, it seems Narwhal will live a long life ahead as this tiny winny tail on his forehead is not going to bring about any problem healthwise.

Life was supposed to be simple until Mac’s Mission decided to post a couple of pictures of Narwhal on their official Twitter account. Within hours the films garnered over 600,000 likes and over 130,000 retweets.
If going viral was a surprise, what made it into a piece of trending global news was celebrities commenting and sharing Narwhal’s video and pictures on all possible social media platforms. From Zack Braff to Tina Young, everybody seems to be in love with this adorable pup.
Check out this adorable bundle of joy here:
Being abandoned or being different than the other pups around did not seem to affect Narwhal’s boisterous nature a wink. An energetic furball, every videos and photo of Narwhal has him posing funnily for the camera or playing around with anyone who pets him.

Though Narwhal seems to have received over thousands of adoption requests in the past few weeks, Mac’s Mission has decided to keep Narwhal at their centre. According to Mac’s Mission founder Rochelle Steffen, the people working at the centre are too much in love with Narwhal to let him go away.
You can check out the amazing work this organization does at

Rochelle only wished more abandoned, and rescued puppies would receive as much love as Narwhal did from people all around.
Narwhal has paved the way to show the world that anomalies do not always mean rejection or negative.