Dog in cage

Is it Okay to Keep Your Puppy in a Dog Cage or Crate?

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Are you a proud owner of a dog? If you are here reading this; Yes, I bet you are!  In this blog we inform you about Your Puppy in a Dog Cage or Crate?

Have you ever wondered, is owning a puppy cage for your pooch a bright idea? Some people say it is animal abuse to keep them locked up in a cage and some refer to it as a safety measure. 

So, what is the truth? Without further ado, let us solve and discuss this dilemma. 

The most mandatory factor is how you train your dog without abusing him? Check out the ethereal dog training tips and dog tricks for becoming the best dog parent. 

As we use crates for the safety of a baby when we are not around him, we use dog crates for keeping our puppies safe when we are unable to keep an eye on them. Owning a crate/cage is a good decision if you know how to crate train your furry best friend. If not, continue reading.

Puppy in cage
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Now the question arises that “How to crate train a puppy?

” For some of you, it might be challenging to let your dog feel comfortable in the crate, which is the reason your dog will need a dog crate training. 

Given below are some steps and dog training tips that might help you in making your pooch comfortable while living in a cage.

Introduce your dog to the cage

As we feel uncomfortable in a new place at first, your adorable puppy feels the same too. So, you need to familiarize him with the crate/cage.

  • Bring a crate to your house and arrange a cozy sheet inside it. Play with your dog near the cage and if possible, let him enter the cage. Remember to keep the door open. 

Let him be comfortable with the cage by not closing its door so that your pooch may enter and come out of it without any issue. 

  • Give him meals inside the cage

Once your dog starts entering the cage, start feeding him the meal within the cage. 

  • Your dog might feel hesitant at first to eat the meal inside the crate. Once he starts eating close the door and stays nearby, so the dog doesn’t feel uncomfortable. 

Open the door after he finishes eating. Similarly, after every meal increase the time for opening the door. This will develop in him the habit of staying in the cage for an extended period. 

  • Leave him in the cage while you are at home

Once your dog starts eating food in the cage, allow him to stay longer in the cage while you are at home. This is a part of dog training. This removes the fear of the cage from the mind of the dog.

Train your dog to stay for a more extended period while you are at home.

  • Teach him to stay for some time while you are away

After you are done with training your dog to stay in the cage while you are at home, you can head on to the next step. Now you must allow your dog to stay in the cage while you are away. 

Your dog might feel lonely for the first time, but with time he will develop the habit of staying in the cage. Keep his food in the cage so that he doesn’t feel hungry while you are away.

Your dog might feel lonely for the first time, but with time he will develop the habit of staying in the cage. Keep his food in the cage so that he doesn’t feel hungry while you are away.

Benefits of dog crate training

dog in black cage
Image Source:

Dog crate training can be beneficial in many ways, and some of them are below.

  • A dog will find crate soothing. When the crate becomes part of their everyday activity, they will start feeling calm in it. If the dog crate is supplied with sheets and bed for the dog to sleep, he will go inside on his own when he feels tired. Even when they are sick or ill, they might find the environment inside the crate relaxing, which will allow them to heal faster.
  • Not all dogs are comfortable while traveling in a car. It will also be dangerous for you both as your pooch might disturb you while driving. Dog cage also enables a mandatory and convenient mode when traveling on planes. 
  • Dog cage is the safest place for your dog when you are not around. You can work in your office without any stress about your lovely dog’s safety. You can attend all the small visits to your friends and family. 
    Remember not to make your dog wait for too long in the crate at home. Using a crate is just for emergency purposes only.
White puppy in cage in car

A dog crate is beneficial in behavior modification. Our behavior is defined by the environment we live in. For example, if you scold a child or get angry at him/her, then they will start fearing you, or most probably they will start crying. The same is with the dogs. 

Dog behavior also depends on the environment they live in. If you try to put dogs into the cage/crate while you are angry, then they might think that crate is a place for punishment, and they will try to avoid it. If you treat him with affection and command him to go into the cage with love and kindness, then he will be comfortable with it. 

dog playing with pillow

You need not worry about your dog while you are away. Most of the time, when they are uncomfortable might end up tearing things apart and can cause chaos at the house, and that’s the reason why you need to confine them while you are away. 

Dog cage or dog crate provides a better means for your dog to stay in while you are away. Dog cage is comfortable, and your dog might find it soothing and calm.

Dog cages are best when you want your dog to feel safe. At times, loud music and the sound of fireworks, crackers, etc. make your adorable pooch anxious and scared. This is the time when the dog cage comes to the rescue. They will always feel calm and at ease at times like this.

Sleeping puppy in cage

These are some useful dog training tips and some steps for dog cage training.  We aspire that now your queries are solved related to the use of dog cage/crate. 

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