While a few canines love to play fetch, and for canines like retrievers the game comes naturally, while some dogs may consider the game of fetching a foreign concept. In this blog, we inform you about how to train your dog for fetch command.
A few dogs don’t have a lot of interest in toys or aren’t normally disposed to bring toys back subsequent to being tossed.
Also, some rescue dogs might not have had experience playing with toys when they were puppies and simply don’t have a clue how to manage a toy.
Fetch is a game that the vast majority of dog parents need to play with their canine and it very well may be baffling in the event that you toss a toy and your canine simply sits watching you or proceeds to get the toy however doesn’t bring it back.
Despite the fact that fetch doesn’t work out easily for all dogs, it is an expertise that can be instructed and taught to your little pooch.
Today we will tell you How To Train Your Dog For Feth Command. Or,
You can teach your dog to fetch just like a game.
1. The First Step is to teach the command ‘Hold’

The very first step towards teaching your little buddy the command of fetch is to first teach the ‘Hold’command.
Teach Hold Command
Step1. Sit on the floor with your little buddy facing towards you, while holding a toy that you need to show to your dog.
Step 2. At the point when your canine approaches forward to explore the toy, you need to quickly praise your dog in the best possible manner and then treat your pooch. You need to appreciate any interest that your dog shows in the toy.
Step 3. The next step is to increase the scope of the command, praise, or press the clicker when your dog sniffs the toy and give a treat. After this, repeat the command and treat your dog when she puts her mouth on the toy.
Step 4. At the point when your canine is consistently putting her mouth on the toy, begin incorporating time duration into the command by not promptly clicking/praising the moment she puts her mouth on the toy and stand by a second, and keeping in mind that her mouth is as yet on the toy click/praise and treat.
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Develop gradually, adding only a half-second and afterward a second, prior to you praise/click and treat. At the point when your canine is continually keeping her mouth on the toy for several seconds before you click and treat, you can start presenting a verbal command like “hold.”
Step 5. When your canine is keeping her mouth on the toy until you click/acclaim and treat, you can begin including additional time. Once more, go gradually working with fractions of seconds of time you are requesting that your canine to hold.
You can likewise start getting your hands off of the toy, at that point immediately set your hand back on the toy before your canine drops it. Praise your pooch, take the toy, and give her a treat.
Step 6. Keep your dog effective by working at her speed constructing the period of time she’s approached to hold gradually. It’s a better idea to do numerous reiterations of short holds rather than trying to ask for one long hold.
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2. The Second Step is to teach the command ‘Fetch’

Once your little pooch has excelled at the hold command, it is time to teach the command, Fetch.
Step 1. Hold the toy out to your canine in your outstretched palm and command her to “hold.” if your canine takes the toy, click/praise and treat. On the off chance that she doesn’t take the toy that is alright, simply practice the above “hold” command somewhat more.
Step 2. At the point when your canine is effectively taking the toy from your outstretched hand, place the toy on the floor before her. Command your canine “hold the toy” and when she gets it quickly praise/click and treat. This is the moment where you have to start slowly and gradually build the understanding with your “hold” command. It will truly pay off with your canine having the option to sum up the expertise to another area. Now, you can begin to present your new verbal sign like “get it” or “fetch.”
Step 3. At the point when your canine has been reliably fruitful getting and holding the toy, begin moving the toy somewhat further away from you. Start with the toy directly next to you.
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Step 4. Start to gradually build the difficulty by distancing the toy away from you but begins only a couple of inches at a time. The objective is to divide the retrieve into tiny distance practices so your canine can be fruitful as opposed to beginning with the toy close to you and promptly getting it across your yard (which will be a lot for a canine simply mastering the expertise.)
Step 5. With the progress, keep expanding the distance you command your canine to get the toy. As your canine increases understanding in the game, you can start tossing the toy in different directions as your canine brings it back to you.
It’s a smart thought to likewise change the toy you are asking your canine to fetch so practice with balls toys, rope toys and so on By proceeding to construct distance gradually and keeping your canine’s prizes high worth, you will fabricate a ton of significant value in the hold/fetch game.
With a lot of patience and regular practice, your little pooch will excel at the command of Fetch and you can then choose any toy you want and your dog will still understand what you want it to do and excel at it. The key to teaching any command is practise and patience.
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