Hawaiian Poi Dog

Hawaiian Poi Dog Breed

About Hawaiian Poi Dog

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The Hawaiian Poi Dog was a breed kept by the Hawaiian islanders prior to the arrival of the American colonists. The Hawaiian poi dog was very similar in appearance, temperament, and uses many other breeds found in the Pacific, a group known collectively as Polynesian dogs. The Hawaiian Poi dog was quite small in size, with very short legs and relatively long body. The breed had a very distinctive flat head, which was thought to be the result of its diet. The Hawaiian Poi Dog was fed primarily on the diet of Poi, a traditional Hawaiian food made from taro, which the dog earned its name from. It has become common aerial slang to refer to any mixed breed dog as a poi dog, but these animals should not be confused with aerial poi dogs that have been extinct since the early 20th century. The Hawaiian Poi Dog is also known as the Ilio, the Poi Dog, the Hawaiian Dog, the native Hawaiian Dog, and the Hawaiian Islanders Dog.

Hawaiian Poi Dog Breed


The Hawaiian Poi Dog was the first Polynesian settler to arrive on the island of Hawaii, first arriving on the shores of Hawaii between 300 and 800 AD. The Hawaiian Poi Dog was a distinctive variety of Polynesian dog, found in a group of breeds and land. Over 20,000 islands of the Pacific Ocean. The group was typified by a suite of primitive characteristics, such as a wolf or fox-like body, prickling ears, and training difficulty. Although Polynesian dogs are heavily factors in the genetic make-up of mixed-breed dogs in the Pacific Ocean, it is widely believed that they are now completely extinct as a purebred type. The Hawaiian Poi Dog is one of the two most famous Polynesian dogs, as well as the Kuri from New Zealand.Polynesian dogs were very similar to early domesticated dogs, and can almost certainly trace their origins. There is substantial debate over when, where and how the dog was first domesticated. Although some people still say that it happened as recently as 7,000 years ago, most experts now agree that the dog was the first species to be domesticated by humans, and that the process was completed 14,000 years ago at the latest Went. However, there is a growing collection of evidence from around the world that strongly suggests that the dog was fully domesticated more than 30,000 years ago and this date is increasingly accepted. Some geneticists believe that the domination process may have begun as early as 100,000 years, but this date is not supported by archaeological evidence. For many centuries, it is believed that the gray wolf was a direct ancestor of the domestic dog, although it was not clear about other species, such as the jackal or dhole were also involved in its genetic makeup. Genetic testing has confirmed that the old suspicion was correct, and that the domestic dog is completely gray wolf (or possibly different from Indian and / or Tibetan wolves) which may or may not be a separate species. These tests conclude that all dogs are descended from a very small group of wolves that were domesticated in one or two incidents. There remains substantial controversy as to where this took place, but it was almost certainly in the Middle East, India, Tibet, or China, where wolves are significantly smaller, less invasive and compared to those who accept the presence of humans There are far more. world.Before the dog was domesticated, humans had no other creatures to help him, and the dog served a variety of purposes. At that time, all of humanity lived as nomadic or semi-nomadic hunters, tied up in size between a single family and several hundred people. These bands found that the dog’s deepest senses praised him almost entirely, and that the social structure inherited from the wolf allowed it to form an equal relationship with humans. Hunter-gatherers used their dogs as camp guardians, sighting dogs, hunting, AIDS, companions, animals of burden, and sometimes readily available food sources. Dogs proved to be so useful and friendly that they quickly spread around the world, eventually being inhabited by humans everywhere except on some remote islands. In fact, dogs allowed people to spread into many challenging environments such as the Arctic which could very well be uninhabited without them. Part of the dog’s adaptability was the result of a cross with wolves. All dogs and all wolves can freely interact to produce fertile offspring, and they have done so from time to time everywhere where the two animals live together. The first dogs were similar to the wolf in most aspects, and were probably indistinguishable from the Australian dingo and New Guinea singing dog. During the ice age, glaciers and ice caps had so much water closed that sea levels were hundreds of feet lower than they are today. It exposed vast paths of land that are now under the waves. So much land was exposed that the island of Taiwan was once connected to Mainland Asia, allowing humans to move to settle there. The first groups to get there did so sometime between 20,000 and 30,000 years ago, and they almost certainly brought their dogs with them. While it is impossible to say what the first indigenous Taiwanese dogs looked like, they were almost certainly similar to the Spitz-type dogs found in East Asia such as Sheeba Inu, Akita Inu, and Chow Chow.

Between the ages of 60,000 and 70,000, humans first settled Australia and New Guinea, although the means through which they did so have long been disputed. These early settlers did not have dogs, but they acquired them some time later from seafarers of the Indonesian archipelago. Many tribes of Australia and New Guinea allowed their dogs to run wild animals, and they eventually returned to an almost completely wild state, becoming the Dingo and New Guinea Singing Dog, respectively. These dogs remained the most primitive of all domestic breeds, and some actually classify them as a separate subspecies.

After centuries of living on the shores of the Pacific, the inhabitants of both ancient Taiwan and New Guinea became very good seafarers, perhaps the greatest in the ancient world. Armed with a map of the stars in their heads and a deep cultural knowledge of the winds and currents, these bold travelers explored across Earth’s largest ocean, exploring and settling island after island. The only domestic animals they brought with them were dogs, chickens, and pigs, although the Polynesian of the Pacific Rat was such a common rod that became almost as widespread as humans. These were not the only species available to them; They were some of the only people able to travel long distances on small wooden crafts. Although the exact process and timeline are unclear, at some point marine sailors from Taiwan and New Guinea have crossed paths in the Western Pacific. They traded crops, technologies, ideas and genes, eventually giving rise to many new cultures, including Polynesians. It is almost certain that they left the Polynesian with animals, which were between Spitzen and East Guinea in East Asia and semi-wild dogs from Australia.

Polynesians became more skilled seafarers than their ancestors, eventually exploring and settling remote islands on Earth. They brought their dogs with them to almost all these islands where they became highly valued. These dogs were to adapt to life in the Pacific. Although the islands of the Pacific seem like a heavenly paradise for most modern audiences, most are actually very challenging to live. The small area meant that there were very few resources on which to survive, so Polynesian dogs shrunk dramatically in size, eventually becoming the same size as a European fox. The only lands native to the Pacific are vertebrate bats, birds, reptiles, and the four species introduced by humans mean that there was little to hunt dogs. Polynesian dogs eventually lost most of their hunting abilities. Since these dogs had to be in very close contact with humans, they became much more sociable than their primitive ancestors. Although there are occasional trips between the islands, the majority of the canine population was very isolated. This led to substantial amounts of inbreeding and genetic drift, and eventually hundreds of similar and different varieties of Polynesian dogs existed on different island chains.

There is substantial debate as to whether Hawaii was colonized in a single event, in two separate events, or over a long period of settlement. There is also controversy as to whether the first Hawaiian departed from Tahiti, the island of Maricas, or both. This would mean that the Hawaiian poi dog is descended from animals in the same chains. It also means that only a very small number of dogs were introduced to Hawaii, leading to a very small genetic pool, which had grown very little over the centuries as a very occasional dog came from other islands. At one time, Hawaii was home to many flightless bird species, but most of them were extinct soon after the arrival of Polynesia. This meant that there was nothing to hunt their dogs. Because there were no major land predators, the ancient Hawaiians allowed all three of their domestic species to run freely in the islands. The hunting instinct of the Hawaiian Poi Dog was probably intentionally extracted by the Hawaiian to minimize the loss of valuable chickens and pigs, although the breed was almost certainly too young to deal with a pig. In fact, the Hawaiian Poi Dog was apparently quite fond of pigs, and several accounts went into detail about how it roamed with them. The breed is believed to group with the wild pig, and is said to act more like a dog than a pig. It is possible that the Hawaiian Poi Dog acted as a kind of theft deterrent, warning the pigs when an attacker from an enemy tribe came to steal them, but there seems to be no record of it.

Because Hawaiians had no use for hunting or shepherd dogs, they mainly kept poi dogs for four reasons, food, religion, good luck, and companionship. The Hawaiian Poi Dog was considered a delicacy for the Hawaiian people, who were very fond of its flesh. Meat of any kind was a rare treat for Hawaiians, and dogs were rarely eaten except for feasts. Most of the feasts had religious or political implications, and some tribes considered the Hawaiian poi dog to be highly religiously significant. At various points in Hawaii’s history, it was forbidden for women to eat dog meat, which was reserved exclusively for men. However, this did not happen all the time and the case ended when Hawaii was formally canceled by the United States. The dog could also be used as a religious sacrifice as elsewhere in Polynesia, but it is less clear. Hawaiian poi dogs were also seen as a good luck charm, bringing good luck to their owners. The teeth of the breed in particular were seen as lucky, and charm necklaces were usually made from them.

Because meat was so scarce in Hawaii, Hawaiian people could leave no stone unturned for their dogs. Instead, he fed his dogs Poi, a common Polynesian dish made from roots and tubers of the tarot plant known as kalo in Hawaii. Because the breed was fed almost exclusively on poi, it is known as the Hawaiian poi dog. Poe is either liquid or flour-like when it is consumed based on the preferences of the manufacturer. Poi is not particularly nutritious, and in any case dogs do not need meat in their diet to stay healthy. As a result, the Hawaiian Poi Dog almost certainly developed many health problems due to its diet. Most descriptions of the breed say that it was lazy, slow-moving, and unintentional. These are all side effects of malnutrition and poor food. The Hawaiian Poi Dog may have such a poor diet that it is completely lacking in energy, and lack of protein can hamper his mental development. It is very likely that the Hawaiian Poi Dog was also fed some table scraps and possibly trapped Polynesian rats. However, these were occasional and small additions to the Hawaiian Poi Dog’s diet, and almost certainly lacked good nutrition. In most of the world, dogs such as the Hawaiian Poi Dog were able to supplement their diet with small animals that they were able to kill themselves, but no one was available to find the Hawaiian Poi Dog. Poi is a very soft food and requires little to no chewing. Because of this, the Hawaiian Poi Dog did not need powerful jaws. It is almost universally proven that the unique flat head of the breed was the result of jaw and jaw muscle atrophy due to a heavy poi diet. The Hawaiians were obviously very fond of their poi dogs, and many were regarded as pets. It was a very common practice to give a puppy to their very young children. This puppy was pitted with the baby, and was also breast fed at the same time. The two were consistent players and were almost always in each other’s company. If the child died before the dog, the dog would be killed and both would be buried next to each other. If the child’s first dog died, a necklace would be made from its teeth. It is important to note that the feeling that Polynesians felt for their dogs was temper due to their requirements to survive in a harsh world, the same dogs that were pets of beloved children often ended up as food.


The Hawaiian poi dog probably changed very little from the time it changed until more than 1,000 years later Europeans arrived in the Hawaiian Islands. The breed probably shrunk somewhat in size over time, with its head gradually flattened, but this was the result of poor nutrition. It is very possible that Spanish and Portuguese sailors were the first Westerners to reach the islands, a theory supported by some maps and charts. But it was not until the British naval Captain James Cook made a thorough chart of the Pacific that Europeans began to arrive in large numbers in Hawaii (though Cook himself was killed by the Hawaiian islanders). Beginning in the 19th century, a large number of Hawaiian and American settlers began arriving in Hawaii with the intention of planting trees. They often forced the natives to serve, as well as bring in indirect labor from East Asia. The traditional air way of life was permanently affected, and the old ways that heavily incorporated the Poi Dog began to disappear. Christianity began to replace the original Hawaiian religion and the feasts that accompanied it. The Hawaiians continued to eat dog meat as a delicacy, and it was highly prized as a food source in the 20th century. In fact, Hawaiian tenants often raised dogs specifically to use as payment to their landlords, and the practice was surprisingly common. However, Europeans and Americans often agreed with the idea of ​​consuming dog meat and began to discourage the practice immensely.

Both European and East Asian immigrants brought dogs from their home to Hawaii, most of which were significantly larger, stronger, more physically capable and more intelligent and trained than Hawaiian poi dogs. Almost all accounts given by European and American sources on the Hawaiian Poi Dog were highly derogatory, especially when compared to their own breeds. These more capable dogs began to have regular intercourse with the Hawaiian Poi Dog, and it began to lose its genetic specificity. By the end of the 20th century, very few Hawaiian poi dogs survived, and by the 1930s the breed had almost become extinct as a fixed breed. Although it is rarely mentioned, the disease certainly played a role in Hawaii Poe Dog’s disappearance as well. European and American dogs often suffered from many conditions such as rabies, distemper and parovirus. Such diseases occur very rarely on isolated islands with small populations and the Hawaiian Poi Dog probably had little or no risk. Such diseases would have caused an epidemic among unintended aerial poi dogs and killed many of them. Poison was another possible factor in the disappearance of the Hawaiian Poi Dog. That breed has rarely gone because there was almost nothing to eat. Newly introduced European breeds did this regularly, and they became a threat to livestock. In the early 1920s, active efforts were made to poison these wild dogs. These poisonous efforts killed a large number of dogs, including perhaps a substantial number of aerial poi dogs, if any were present in time.

Because many European breeds were crossed with the Poi Dog, the Hawaiian began calling any mixed-breed dog a Poi Dog, whether or not it actually had a Poi Dog lineage. This use of the term poi dog has continued to the present day, and is sometimes applied to individuals of mixed Hawaiian heritage. Modern day Poi Dogs are not to be confused with the original Poi Dog, which is certainly extinct, although they can actually be descended from the Hawaiian Poi Dog in truth. Some of Hawaii’s mixed-breed dogs exhibit many traits that are highly representative of the original Hawaiian poi dog. One such dog became particularly famous in the 1960s. In the 1960s it was frequented by the staff of the Mauna Loa Observatory, who named it “”The Phantom Dog””, because of its habit that it appears to raid dustbins from nowhere and then disappear. Gone. Photographs of this animal confirmed that it was similar to the original Hawaiian Poi Dog, and many researchers intrested the possibility that the breed may still exist in Hawaii’s mixed-breed population. In 1990, the Honolulu Zoo began a breeding program with the goal of reviving the Hawaiian Poi Dog. They used mixed-breed dogs that were closest to the Hawaiian Poi Dog in an attempt to restore the breed. Little progress was made after 12 years and the effort was formally abandoned. This failure may be evidence that the genes of the breed are too thin to be restored.

General Appearance

The Hawaiian Poi Dog was similar to other Polynesian dogs such as the Kuri of New Zealand, and was similar to other primitive breeds around the world. The dog’s legs were very short and he stood far below the ground, usually between 13 and 16 at the shoulders. The breed had a relatively long body, much like a corgi. The breed with a deformed belly was said to be quite fat, but it was probably the result of deliberate breastfeeding and poor nutrition. The chief of the breed was probably its most characteristic. It was very flat, and almost completely devoid of a stop. It is very likely that this was a result of the jaw and jaw muscles of the breed over time as an easy response to chewing the diet. As one would expect of a tropical dog, the Hawaiian poi dog had a much shorter coat that was probably smoother in texture. The breed was found in any color or pattern, common to domestic dogs, but mostly seen in brown with or without white markings.

Hawaiian Poi Dog Breed


This breed was apartment friendly, did not require a lot of grooming and were low droolers’


This breed was hard to train, they were prone to allerges and health issues
Hawaiian Poi Dog Breed


The gestation period in lasts for 60-64 days The primary period of the reproductive cycle of the female is called Proestrus and goes on for around 9 days. During this time the females begin to draw in males. The subsequent part is the Estrus when the bitch is receptive to the male. It goes on for around 3 to 11 days. The third part is the Diestrus. Usually, it happens around day 14. In this period the bitch’s discharge changes for distinctive red and reaching its end. The vulva gets back to average, and she will no longer allow mating. The fourth part called the Anestrus. The time span between heat periods ordinarily keeps going around a half year. The litter size ranges between 6 to 8 puppies at a time










The Hawaiian Poi dog was clearly suffering from a wide range of health problems. These problems were likely the result of poor diet, malnutrition and heavy interactions. The breed was often very weak, tired, lazy and obese, as well as having very poor teeth.

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