Australian Kelpie

Australian Kelpie Dog Breed

About Australian Kelpie

Life Span
Getting a puppy home


As a canine dog, Australian kelp is intensely loyal and devoted to duty. He has an innate tendency and aptitude to work in sheep, whether in open fields or in enclosed yards. The breed originated from the Koli type dogs, which were imported from Scotland, but were developed to withstand the harsh heat and dry conditions of Australia’s vast open spaces.

Australian Kelpie Dog Breed


After the opening of vast tracts of land in the Australian states of New South Wales and Victoria, the number of sheep increased so dramatically that some estates amounted to more than two million acres and ran over a quarter of a million sheep. In these areas widely, herring (originally carried by convicts) was impractical, wire fences were erected and sheep were left free. It was then necessary to have dogs to handle sheep in such large areas. A dog had to be developed to work under the conditions that existed in Australia. These conditions included heat, rough terrain, dust storms and vast distances. Kelippy was able to do the work of many men, who were tireless workers in the hottest and dustiest climate.

Like many breeds, the origin of kelpi is disputed. However, there is no doubt that the breed originated from dogs imported from Scotland. These dogs were black and tan, with long half-eared ears, medium-sized and Koli types. Others were smooth-haired with ears, but still of the Koli type. Litters from these dogs also produced red (liverbro) puppies.

General Appearance

Working kelpies are reared almost exclusively for their ability to function, and therefore show significantly greater variation than other breeds. Most observers accustomed to other pure-bred dogs may mistake a working callip for a mixture of random-bred dogs or shepherds. Some working kelpies look quite like a dingo. While these dogs come in many sizes, most women are about 19 tall inches long at the shoulder, and most men are about 21 the inch long at the shoulder. The average weight of both sexes is between 30 and 45 pounds. These dogs come in three coat varieties, smooth, rough and long. Some working kelpies have double coats and others do not. The tail will match the coat, and can be either smooth or bushy. While most working kelpies have prickling ears, many dogs have one or two semi-prickling ears. The color is usually solid, but there is a shade from cream to black and in between every color. Many working kelpies have traces of other colors, with tan and white being the most common. Such scars are most common on the chest and legs, but can be found anywhere on the dog’s body. Black or black and tan working kelpies are often referred to as barbs or barbel kelpies. Red and Red and Tan Kelpies are often referred to as Red Cloud Kelpies. In the US, working kelpies are small and stinging, although this is not always the case. American working kelpies are more likely to be tan than black and especially black and other colors.

Australian Kelpie Dog Breed


This is an intelligent dog breed which is very easy to train and requires very little grooming. They were very equipted with handling their alone time and they loved kids as well as other animals.


This breed is not the best choice for apartment enviornment as well as office enviornment. They are prone to health issues
Australian Kelpie Dog Breed


The gestation period in lasts for 60-64 days

The primary period of the reproductive cycle of the female is called Proestrus and goes on for around 9 days. During this time the females begin to draw in males. The subsequent part is the Estrus when the bitch is receptive to the male. It goes on for around 3 to 11 days. The third part is the Diestrus. Usually, it happens around day 14. In this period the bitch’s discharge changes for distinctive red and reaching its end. The vulva gets back to average, and she will no longer allow mating. The fourth part called the Anestrus. The time span between heat periods ordinarily keeps going around a half year. The litter size ranges between 6 to 8 puppies at a time




They should perform well on high quality dog ​​food, whether it is commercially manufactured or prepared with the supervision and approval of your vet. Any diet should be appropriate for the age of the dog (puppy, adult or senior). Some dogs are at risk of being overweight, so watch your dog’s calorie consumption and weight level. Treatment training can be an important aid, but giving too much can lead to obesity. Know which human foods are safe for dogs, and which are not. If you have any concerns about your dog’s weight or diet, check with your vet. Clean, fresh water must be available at all times.


This breed has boundless energy. They are highly intelligent and are required to do the job. Early socialization is necessary, and training at an early age is important. They are a strong powerful breed with incredible speed and need a lot of space to run. It is not a breed that thrives in a busy urban environment or suburbs unless it has a lot of activity, nor is it a breed for kenneling. He prefers to hang out, where his strong herring and safety instincts and his bond with his territory and his “people” keep him from escaping.


Most Australian kelpies are healthy dogs. Working with a responsible breeder who owns Kelpi can receive the necessary education about specific health concerns. Good breeders use genetic testing of their breeding stock to reduce the likelihood of disease in their puppies.

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