6 benefits of feeding - all natural dog food to your puppy

6 Benefits of Feeding Your Pup With All-Natural Dog Food

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People who have a deep fascination with dogs tend to act like a dam to their adopted pets. If you are a confessed cynophile, you must be working towards bringing up a dog like a child of your own. In this blog, we provide some Benefits of Feeding Your Pup.

Dogs offer us emotional well-being as they extend themselves as our everyday companion. However, raising a dog can be quite demanding. But if you are dedicated to your dog’s welfare, you can become an ideal fur parent.

Essentials in Raising a Pup

A newly-adopted puppy could feel alienated when introduced to an unfamiliar environment. Nevertheless, you can show them around and allow them to locate where their necessities are stationed. Your pup must be able to sniff out the food bowl, water bowl, and dog litter.

A seven to nine months old puppy is the prime age for rehoming. Puppies around this age are still in the socialization period, where they can adapt to an environment without showing fear and reluctance.

Remember that puppies shouldn’t be left alone in the house for more than two hours. The period when they are isolated could make the puppy anxious. Adjusting to a new home could be distressing for pups, and being left alone for hours could intensify the uneasiness they experience.

Feeding Your Pup

Your puppy should eat as much as you eat in a day. That means they have to be fed three times a day or more on a regular schedule. Though puppies could bear a lesser frequency of feeding, it is best to render them meals thrice a day.

In feeding your puppy, the amount of food is a crucial detail. Remember to observe your pup’s body size and condition. The portion sizes would be based on your puppy’s breed.

Also, take note that your pup being picky does not always mean they’re unhealthy. They might be resisting the food because it’s overwhelming their feeding capacity.

Puppy’s Age and Appropriate Food

As a fur parent, you should be able to know when to switch to adult dog food. It’s safe to say that feeding puppies with typical canine dog food could deprive them of ingesting essential vitamins and minerals needed for their physical growth and well-being.

For puppies aged seven to nine months, unmoistened dry food is the best option. Beyond everything, know the components of the food before administering it to your pup. Make sure that you buy the best natural dog food available in the local stores. You should also be able to find Various dry puppy foods that are grain-free, but at the same time, tasty and formulated with your pup’s health in mind.

Boosts Immune System

Chemical fertilizers and chemicals are not used in organic foods. Consequently, the nature of these foods being organic limitlessly boosts your pup’s immunity through its abundance of antioxidants.

Chemical compounds found in pest control could curb the vitamins in plants. On the other hand, natural food from organic ingredients yields healthier treats.

Hence, the antioxidants optimize the function of your pup’s immune system—enabling them to hold out against diseases that could spawn ill health.

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Mitigates Allergies

Food allergies are not exclusive to humans. Our dogs could also experience upset stomach and skin itchiness that could denote an autoimmune disorder. Though most allergens are from proteins in the food, they could also be acquired from dichlorophenols found in fertilizers.

You can look into the ingredients list of the packaging and verify if it contains something your pup is allergic to.

Many organic dog food producers would guarantee that their goods are synthetic chemical-free, but there could still be traces of allergens in them. 

A diet prescribed by your pup’s veterinarian is the safest way to know more about organic food without allergens.

Promises Sustainable Diet

Ingredients found in organic dog food are rich in nutrients and dietary fibre, especially since toxic pesticides and fertilizers are factored out in the product.

You can count on the natural health supplements that your pup could gain by consuming organic dog food.

Of course, we want to see our dog in peak physical condition. Still, we have to look closer to our dog’s diet to sustain their healthy shape.

Organic dog food is a healthy treat compared to commercial dog food topped up with preservatives.

Dispenses Energy

Dogs are naturally energetic and full of fun. A dog’s personality is reinforced as early as puppyhood. As a fur parent, you should stimulate their playfulness through highly-interactive routines, especially when outdoors.

Organic dog food could help your pup grow into a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed friend. Its components are all-natural, and the nonchemical nourishment will contribute to boosting your pup’s energy without a shrink in the nutriment value.

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No MSG Intake

The hydrolyzed protein indicated on your pup’s nutritional facts is monosodium glutamate (MSG). Though it can be cited as a natural flavouring, it is still a flavour enhancer that could kill your pup’s brain cells and ultimately result in brain damage.

Though this is labelled as safe by food experts, we can’t deny the fact that this food ingredient is a disease-causing agent.

This could enliven your dog’s appetite but could cause long-term health defects such as metabolic disorders and obesity.

Fewer Fillers

There are commercial food fillers that are quite projecting a positive impression to pup owners. Fundamentally, these fillers do not consist of any nutritional value.

Meanwhile, it could also be misfitting to your pup’s quality diet. It’s called a “filler” because it only contributes to the volume increase in your puppy’s food.

Moreover, organic food contains fewer or no fillers and artificial additives that could unreasonably stimulate your pup’s appetite without doing much to their metabolism. Also, check out heelboyheel.com for more tips on what food is best for your newest family member!


Dogs reciprocate the feelings we invest in them. It’s true that while we treat them as our children, they also look at us like their birth parents despite our biological differences.

Feeding them the right food is a manifestation of our fondness for them. We should place great value on the attachment we have with our dogs at home.

Also See: 7 Mistakes to Avoid When Treating and Preventing Fleas on Your Dog

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